Oulu-based pro­ject int­ro­duced at the Euro­pean Network of U‑space Demon­stra­tors webi­nar

Three dedica­ted dro­ne cor­ri­dors in the Oulu regio­nal in nort­hern Fin­land are tes­ting a digi­tal infra­struc­tu­re with the aim of enabling auto­ma­ted, secu­re, secu­re dro­ne sys­tems, pro­ducts and ser­vices to sup­port futu­re applica­tions.

The first cor­ri­dor sup­ports dai­ly dro­ne deli­ve­ry of medical pro­ducts between Hai­luo­to Island Health Cent­re and Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal in part­ly cont­rol­led & uncont­rol­led airs­pace, offe­ring an alter­na­ti­ve to the lon­ger, weat­her-suscep­tible fer­ry con­nec­tion.

A second demon­stra­tion deli­vers goods and mail between Oulu city cent­re and Oulu Air­port in cont­rol­led airs­pace; whi­le a third demon­stra­tion con­ducts dro­ne deli­ve­ries over short dis­tances in uncont­rol­led airs­pace wit­hin Idea­park retail park.

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