5G and the eve­ry­day chal­len­ges of industry

5G VIIMA pro­ject explo­res how 5G tech­no­lo­gy is sui­ted for industrial use rat­her than per­so­nal ser­vices. The com­pa­nies invol­ved in the pro­ject pro­vi­de real industrial envi­ron­ments and a lot of industrial real-life chal­len­ges, such as logis­tics, secu­ri­ty, main­te­nance, gui­dance and flow opti­miza­tion. Alto­get­her four test areas are used in industrial envi­ron­ments. In Oulu, the­se test areas are the port and base sta­tion fac­to­ry. In Tam­pe­re, the test area for port equip­ment, and in Espoo, the elect­rici­ty grid in Ota­nie­mi. In each and eve­ry­one, a 5G network is made local­ly. The two-year pro­ject is coor­di­na­ted by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu.

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