
The sixth gene­ra­tion is launc­hed in 2030

The 6G flags­hip will focus on the futu­re chal­len­ges of wire­less sys­tems, such as futu­re radio and network tech­no­lo­gies, arti­ficial­ly intel­li­gent distri­bu­ted com­pu­ta­tion met­hods that the­se tech­no­lo­gies requi­re as well as deve­lop­ment of applica­tions. The aim is to be an acti­ve natio­nal network among futu­re 6G players and to influence the regu­la­tion of the telecom­mu­nica­tions industry natio­nal­ly and inter­na­tio­nal­ly.

Futu­re wire­less tech­no­lo­gies are nee­ded to deli­ver pro­duc­tion auto­ma­tion, decent­ra­lized power gene­ra­tion, digi­tal health, and smart trans­port. The sixth gene­ra­tion 6G is expec­ted to be in use by 2030. Oulu has been an inter­na­tio­nal pio­neer in deve­lo­ping pre­vious network gene­ra­tions, and it tes­ted the world’s first intercon­ti­nen­tal public 5G network con­nec­tion in Februa­ry 2018 at South Korean Win­ter Olym­pics. 6G flagship’s ope­ra­tions com­bi­ne high-qua­li­ty scien­ti­fic research with effec­ti­ve inno­va­tion in part­ners­hip with ICT com­pa­nies. The exis­ting open 5G test network is used as research envi­ron­ment. The test network is deve­lo­ped into a futu­re 6G test network that can be uti­lized by the who­le Fin­nish network of ope­ra­tors.

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