
Circu­lar eco­no­my made of sto­ne

The area around Tah­ko­kan­gas ser­vice cent­re is cur­rent­ly being deve­lo­ped through a zoning chan­ge into a resi­den­tial area. In 2018, the area was a pilot site for a Aggre­ga­tes Main­te­nance Deve­lop­ment Pro­ject that was deve­lo­ped in co-ope­ra­tion with the Mini­stry of the Envi­ron­ment. The area ser­ved as a tes­ting ground for circu­lar eco­no­my in the plan­ning pha­se and a place whe­re ideas could be refi­ned.  Oulu will con­ti­nue its Tah­ko­kan­gas case stu­dy by imple­men­ting circu­lar eco­no­my goals in plan­ning and design, buil­ding and main­te­nance. The cor­ners­to­ne of the deve­lop­ment of the area is local mass balance.

The posi­ti­ve expe­rience and new prac­tice gai­ned from Tah­ko­kan­gas will be replica­ted to other design pro­jects in the futu­re.