Reg­is­tra­tion guide

Wel­come to join the CleantechOulu por­tal. The mem­ber­ship is meant for cleantech com­pa­nies in the Oulu area. To get a bet­ter idea of the top­ics and the com­pa­ny pro­files, we rec­om­mend brows­ing the site a bit before reg­is­ter­ing.

The main lan­guage of the por­tal is Eng­lish, so please fill in all your infor­ma­tion in Eng­lish and add links to the Eng­lish ver­sions of your com­pa­ny or prod­uct web­sites.

Reg­is­tra­tion form

Reg­is­tra­tion steps

  1. Fill in your com­pa­ny infor­ma­tion on the reg­istry form. (A more detailed guide for the reg­is­tra­tion form and suit­able attach­ments can be found fur­ther on this page.)
  2. Once you have filled in all the infor­ma­tion you wish to pro­vide, hit the Sub­mit reg­is­tra­tion but­ton. This will cre­ate a draft of your com­pa­ny pro­file page on the por­tal.
  3. Once we ver­i­fy the sub­mit­ted infor­ma­tion, we will acti­vate the user. This acti­va­tion will send a con­fir­ma­tion e‑mail from with the direc­tions to login and save the com­pa­ny infor­ma­tion one more time (with pos­si­ble edits). Be aware that the acti­va­tion mes­sage can eas­i­ly end up in your spam fold­er.
  4. Sav­ing the infor­ma­tion at this point will pub­lish the pro­file imme­di­ate­ly. In the future, edit­ing the com­pa­ny infor­ma­tion will also pro­vide imme­di­ate results.

Please con­tact us

Reg­istry form fields

User account:

Cre­ate a user account with the e‑mail address of the per­son that will be updat­ing your com­pa­ny infor­ma­tion. The infor­ma­tion for the con­tact per­son that will be vis­i­ble to all vis­i­tors of CleantechOulu por­tal is on the bot­tom of the reg­istry form.

Intro­duc­tion texts:

The fields for intro­duc­tions only accept text and line breaks. Past­ing some emo­jis or oth­er icons in these fields works, but code will not. Slo­gan will become the sub­head­ing on your pro­file page locat­ed before the intro­duc­tion para­graphs (and after the illus­tra­tion image if pro­vid­ed). The intro­duc­tion fields will form two sep­a­rate para­graphs on the page but you can cre­ate more para­graphs your­self with line breaks. Please, do not leave the Gen­er­al intro­duc­tion field emp­ty, as it will also pro­vide an excerpt to the browsing/card view. The field for intro­duc­ing offer­ings, prod­ucts etc. may be left blank.

Tech­no­log­i­cal domains:

CleantechOulu por­tal cat­e­go­rizes all com­pa­nies accord­ing to the busi­ness domains. Please con­sid­er your rel­e­vant cat­e­gories care­ful­ly. For exam­ple, the more gen­er­al cat­e­go­ry of Data & Finance relates to com­pa­nies that focus on offer­ing these ser­vices on a larg­er scale.


There’s a new option­al fea­ture to let the por­tal users know you are recruit­ing. If you cur­rent­ly have open posi­tions, add a link to your recruit­ment site, and basi­cal­ly you are done! If you wish, you can also add some addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion such as what kind of posi­tions are avail­able or the recruit­ment con­tact per­son. If you don’t have a web­site for the open posi­tions, you can still give the nec­es­sary details on the infor­ma­tion field. By fill­ing in either of these fields, you’ll cre­ate a small ‘Now hir­ing!’ stamp on the com­pa­ny card in brows­ing view. The filled in infor­ma­tion will be vis­i­ble on your pro­file after the intro­duc­tion fields and before the gray con­tact per­son detail sec­tion.

Image attach­ments

Images are not required, but we strong­ly rec­om­mend adding at least the com­pa­ny logo. The images will be mod­i­fied to JPG for­mat and resized if need­ed (some image for­mats will not auto­mat­i­cal­ly work on the sire). If pos­si­ble, opti­mize the images for web to reduce their file size. The max­i­mum image upload size is 2 MB but the final file size should be much small­er.

Include your com­pa­ny logo:

More guide­lines for logos fol­low below, but you can include a logo with unsup­port­ed file type and/or that has­n’t been opti­mized for the site and we will edit it. To avoid blur­ry logos, ensure the logo includ­ed is at least 500 pix­els wide.

The logo images on the site have a white back­ground and are sized 650 x 650 pix­els. The logos have extra white space around them to orga­nize them more neat­ly on the browsing/card view. The actu­al logo in the image is around 400–580 pix­els wide.

Include your com­pa­ny illus­tra­tion image:

The image will be vis­i­ble on the top of your com­pa­ny page, right under the title. The size is 1300 x 300–700 pix­els. Larg­er or small­er images will most like­ly stretch or get part­ly cut. If you wish to add ver­ti­cal or square images, they will need some white spaces on the edges to avoid stretch­ing. We might also edit the illus­tra­tion images slight­ly, main­ly resiz­ing and opti­miz­ing.