The traditional red barns located in Oulu Market Square in winter

Dis­cov­er Oulu: Your Gate­way to Busi­ness, Cul­ture, and Lifestyle

For tal­ents, trav­el­ers, or busi­ness­es seek­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, we con­nect you to the city’s vibrant offer­ings. Let Oulu ignite your imag­i­na­tion!

Oulu – a high­er grade of liv­ing

Right now in Oulu

Ger­lân­dia first came to Fin­land in 2007 to study and work. Lat­er she returned to Brazil but decid­ed to move back to Fin­land in 2019. Now she is the own­er of the first Brazil­ian café in Fin­land. In this arti­cle, Ger­lân­dia shares her thoughts about what inspired her to pur­sue gas­tron­o­my and what the process of open­ing a café was like.

Read Gerlândia’s sto­ry

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Déb­o­ra Oliveira moved to Fin­land in 2021 from Brazil to study at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu. Cur­rent­ly she is work­ing as a Mul­ti­lin­gual Advi­sor for Immi­grants at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu. In this arti­cle, Déb­o­ra shares her tips for inter­na­tion­al new­com­ers try­ing to nav­i­gate the Finnish job mar­ket.

Read Débora’s advice

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Oulu fin­ished proud­ly on the podi­um at the Euro­pean Inno­va­tion Council’s annu­al iCap­i­tal Awards in Lis­bon on 13 Novem­ber. The iCap­i­tal awards are giv­en to cities that lead the way in using inno­va­tion to shape sus­tain­able, inclu­sive and resilient urban envi­ron­ments.


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In 2021, Shilpa and her fam­i­ly moved from India to Oulu. The tran­si­tion from trop­i­cal warmth to snowy land­scapes has been both chal­leng­ing and reward­ing. “One of the best things about Oulu has been the edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties, not just for my kids but for me as well,” Shilpa says.

Read about Shilpa’s life

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Oulu has become the first of Finland’s Big Six cities to be award­ed the Sus­tain­able Trav­el Fin­land (STF) label for sus­tain­able tourism by Vis­it Fin­land. Sus­tain­abil­i­ty has been one of the strate­gic devel­op­ment pri­or­i­ties for the indus­try in Oulu, so obtain­ing the label is a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone.


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In the Oulu2026 area, Novem­ber is Glowem­ber! Dur­ing the dark­est time of the year, we cel­e­brate the bril­liance of lights and colours through experiences, events, and art instal­la­tions. You can also par­tic­i­pate in Glowem­ber by illu­mi­nat­ing your home or work­place and shar­ing light-themed pic­tures on social media.

Have a look at the Glowem­ber events

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Oulu is grow­ing and evolv­ing with you

Find a solu­tion to all your needs in Oulu

At Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma, work and tal­ent meet in an envi­ron­ment that pro­vides handy options for devel­op­ing per­son­al exper­tise as well as busi­ness oper­a­tions.

Learn more about Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma

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The Pohjo­la Route is a cir­cu­lar road sys­tem that offers a range of experiences for motorists, fam­i­lies, nature enthu­si­asts as well as trav­ellers who pre­fer pub­lic trans­port options. Along the Pohjo­la Route, any­one can select the itin­er­ary and nature attrac­tions of their choice – trav­el­ling the full length of the route or just parts of it.

Have a clos­er look at the Pohjo­la Route

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Or are you still search­ing for your path to employ­ment? Business­Oulu can help you! Check out the ser­vices for entre­pre­neurs, organ­i­sa­tions and tal­ent!

Read more about Business­Oulu

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