
A person in a pullover and a beanie is paddling in calm waters. She is shown from behind and has a small red cabin on an islet in front ot her.

Nort­hern natu­re from arc­hi­pe­la­go and seacoasts to hum­ming boreal forests and lush river­beds – Oulu offers you a hig­her gra­de of clo­se­ness with natu­re. Whet­her you are a talent wis­hing to relax after a hard day at work or on holi­day loo­king to take it easy, Oulu has a plea­sant surpri­se in sto­re for you.

In Oulu, the natu­re is clo­se to you even in the city cent­re. You must have alrea­dy seen the fis­her­men right at the heart of town, the won­der­ful parks just a stone’s throw from Rotu­aa­ri, and the love­ly islands in the estua­ry that offers enjo­y­able expe­riences and places for the busy city people to calm down. No? Well, get crac­king!

Whet­her you are loo­king for more ext­re­me acti­vi­ties or a flat landsca­pe, you will have easy access to a sui­table des­ti­na­tion. Rec­rea­tion, hiking in the wild, sports, and other acti­vi­ties are easy to arran­ge in the Oulu region. Sea, rivers, rapids, lakes – check! What about spen­ding time in the woods, sit­ting by camp­fi­res, wan­de­ring in the mars­hes, and clim­bing edgy rocks – we can pro­vi­de! You do not have to go far even for down­hill skiing, for the sout­hern­most fell in Fin­land is right around the cor­ner.

And hey – you must be fami­liar with everyman’s rights? They are the foun­da­tion for spen­ding time in the Fin­nish natu­re. Refresh your memo­ry about everyman’s rights at (opens in a new tab).

Acces­sible acti­vi­ties

A woman wearing a beanie is walking in a forest with a woven basket. The sun is setting behind her back and colouring the forest golden.

The City of Oulu has lis­ted the natu­re trails and natu­ral reser­ves for hiking and enjo­y­ment around the year. See more about the natu­re trails in (opens in a new tab).

Accor­ding to public rumours, the best camp­fi­re sites in the region can be found in the San­gin­jo­ki and Pil­pa­suo areas, whi­le birdwatc­hers will cer­tain­ly find one that they like among the 24 towers and plat­forms made for the pur­po­se.

For a list of ski tracks and fit­ness trails visit the City of Oulu pages (opens in a new tab). In the win­ter, 350 kilo­met­res of main­tai­ned ski track will delight cross-count­ry skiers of various levels, and more than 200 kilo­met­res of year-round fit­ness trails and rou­tes enhance the selec­tion. Natu­ral­ly, in Oulu biking on the trails is also a must. Read more about cycling.

By the water

A person with an SUP board in a wintry landscape, photographed from above. The water is partly frozen and the trees are frosty.

If you favour the sur­ging sea, you might have your mind set on sho­res whe­re even the wind is sal­ty. For such a cra­ving, we recom­mend you head out to Vir­pi­nie­mi rec­rea­tion area, known for its cross-count­ry skiing ter­rain and golf cour­ses. Check out this pdf docu­ment for more infor­ma­tion about Vir­pi­nie­mi (pdf). For san­dy beac­hes and hiking in the woods, disco­ver Hie­ta­saa­ri Island and Nal­li­ka­ri Beach – the sea­si­de living room for all of Oulu. Read more about Hie­ta­saa­ri (pdf).

You can hear the roar of the rapids a long way away – well, that is Koi­te­li, a unique des­ti­na­tion for relaxed hiking, swim­ming, and fis­hing. See more about the Koi­te­li rapids on (opens in a new tab). For swim­ming, you can go almost anyw­he­re in Oulu – even in the win­ter­ti­me! Find the spots for swim­ming on the City of Oulu pages (opens in a new tab).

Park fun around the cor­ner

A cool oasis in the sum­mer heat, a love­ly place to hang around throug­hout the year – it is a park! Oulu is a city of parks, and we are par­ticu­lar­ly proud of our well-main­tai­ned greens­paces that will cheer any­one up! A few notes for quiz ent­husiasts: Oulu has 160 playgrounds for children, 13 camp­fi­re sites, 18 dog enclo­su­res, and about 2 400 gar­ba­ge bins in the parks! The­se are rat­her good faci­li­ties for spen­ding time with the who­le fami­ly (inclu­ding the smal­lest and fur­riest mem­bers).

The Hupi­saa­ret City Park – more com­mon­ly known as Aino­la Park – will charm eve­ry­one: the love­ly islands from Kiik­kusaa­ri to Para­tii­si­saa­ri are part­ly in their natu­ral sta­te. Tui­ran­puis­to has an acces­sible park full of rho­do­dendrons, and Kar­ja­sil­lan­puis­to has the Kau­pun­gi­no­ja brook run­ning through it. The park in Hol­li­ha­ka offers a varie­ty of acti­vi­ties from ska­te­boar­ding to an out­door gym, and the his­to­ric Kuusi­saa­ri Island is a great rec­rea­tion ground for eve­ry­one! Find all the parks in Oulu on the City of Oulu pages (opens in a new tab).