
The cycle­way net­work in Oulu con­nects all the city dis­tricts and reach­es even the sur­round­ing region! The cycling routes are often short­cuts, and many places in Oulu can be reached more quick­ly by bike than dri­ving a car – at best, you will not even have to stop for traf­fic lights dur­ing your ride.

The cycling routes in Oulu are main­tained effi­cient­ly al the year round. The busiest routes are so-called cycling high­ways: wide routes paved with red asphalt, tak­ing you to places like the Lin­nan­maa Cam­pus in no time.

In Oulu, cycling is tru­ly a note­wor­thy com­mut­ing method, a form of every­day exer­cise, a hob­by, and an essen­tial part of life. Grab a fat­bike, a granny bike, an e‑bike, or any­thing with two wheels and ped­als on it, and reach all of Oulu with a high­er grade of ease!

Enjoy the sun and the warmth – go cycling in the Oulu sum­mer

Two people cycling next to some water in the evening dusk. A light reflected from the camera adds to the ambience.

If you are about to hop on a bike in Oulu, check out the three dif­fer­ent routes with water themes that the Oulu cycling map has to offer. The Route of Two Lakes, the Oulu Riv­er Route and the Sea­side Route will take you to their respec­tive water­ways and scenes – includ­ing some nice rec­om­men­da­tions about oth­er activ­i­ties besides cycling. See the Oulu Cycling Map in pdf for­mat (opens in a new tab).

The numer­ous for­est routes and trails in Oulu are sig­nif­i­cant recre­ation areas and short­cuts between places. Many cycling routes have nice and vary­ing scenery: feel the salty air on a seashore trail, smell the fresh woods on both sides of the cycle­way, or see the open fields and mead­ows under­neath the big sky in front of you.

You will not get lost while cycling either – Oulu has the most com­pre­hen­sive sys­tem of cycling signs in all of Fin­land. Besides the areas in Oulu, the sys­tem cov­ers the near­by munic­i­pal­i­ties of Lumi­jo­ki, Limin­ka, Kem­pele, and Muhos as well.

Glis­ten­ing snow and won­der­ful scenery – win­ter cycling is pop!

A person riding a bike on the Oulu Dam Bridge in the winter. Vapour is rising from the water and the rising sun is shining behind the cyclist.

Half of the peo­ple in Oulu who ride bikes do it in the win­ter, too – cycling all year round, even when the snow is thick! Win­ter cycling in Oulu is no cause for won­der but a poten­tial way of get­ting around, from tod­dlers to seniors. The city has been designed for this.

Effi­cient main­te­nance of cycling routes ensures that walk­ing and cycling are a rea­son­able alter­na­tive for most trips around the year. If you want to become a true Oulu res­i­dent, hop on a bike in Jan­u­ary and set out to admire the frosty city. What is more, there is an amaz­ing route with vary­ing ter­rain for moun­tain bike and fat­bike rid­ers in Kaakkuri. The win­ter out­door route in Meri-Top­pi­la has camp­fire sites, mak­ing it a won­der­ful day trip loca­tion for the whole fam­i­ly. Find the route infor­ma­tion on the City of Oulu web­site (opens in a new tab).

The myth about win­ter bik­ers with mas­sive spe­cial gear and clothes is tru­ly just a myth, for reg­u­lar warm clothes and a hel­met are quite enough for win­ter bik­ing. How­ev­er, there are a few impor­tant things to remem­ber:

Win­ter cycling in Oulu has even caught some atten­tion in the inter­na­tion­al media which might seem fun­ny to a local per­son: rid­ing a bike to work, school, or hob­bies is busi­ness as usu­al! Still, the cycling cul­ture in Oulu seems inter­est­ing, espe­cial­ly in the win­ter­time. Read an arti­cle about it on the Euronews web­site (opens in a new tab).

A cyclist in the wintry evening dusk on a cycleway with a blue pedestrian sign projected on the ground on the right, a blue cycling sign on the left.

An inno­va­tion from Oulu is mak­ing win­ter cycling eas­i­er and safer: the signs point­ing the lanes for pedes­tri­ans and cyclists are pro­ject­ed direct­ly on the snow with pro­jec­tion light­ing. This excel­lent inven­tion has been much praised in Fin­land. An eye-catch­ing improve­ment for traf­fic safe­ty – wow!