
A person wearing a white shirt and black pants is skateboarding in a skate park decorated with colourful graffiti underneath a blue sky. The person is in the middle of a trick, and the skateboard is rolling around under their feet.

Oulu is a treat: the easy-going atmosp­he­re of a small town meets the ser­vices and abun­dant cul­tu­ral selec­tion of a big city, top­ped with four dis­tinct sea­sons and fan­tas­tic natu­ral expe­riences. Ser­vice sug­ges­tion: dai­ly.

The long beach at Nal­li­ka­ri and the joy­ful mood at the Mar­ket Squa­re on a care­free summer’s day. Blos­so­ming cul­tu­ral events and acti­vi­ties for all tas­tes. A char­ming and clas­sy selec­tion of res­tau­rants and nice cafés. The sea ice and well-main­tai­ned ski tracks on a crisp winter’s day. Cycling along beau­ti­ful rou­tes throug­hout the year – anyw­he­re you want to go.

Does this sound like fan­ta­sy? Oh no, it is rea­li­ty in Oulu, the city with more than a thousand invi­ting events eve­ry year. The city with high-class con­di­tions for trai­ning tra­di­tio­nal indi­vi­dual sports and team discipli­nes, not for­get­ting acti­ve ent­husiasts of more modern sports. Four genui­ne sea­sons offer a varying envi­ron­ment for all kinds of acti­vi­ties.

More infor­ma­tion about lei­su­re options in Oulu

The num­ber one spot for any tou­rist or stayca­tion plan­ner is Visi­tOu­lu:
Visi­tOu­lu web­si­te (opens in a new tab)

Find plen­ty of events for almost any day at Oulu event calen­dar:
Oulu event calen­dar (opens in a new tab: munoulu.fi)

Science, arts, rea­ding. Acti­vi­ties for the who­le fami­ly. More time for enjo­ying nort­hern expe­riences.