
Oulu is a treat: the easy-going atmos­phere of a small town meets the ser­vices and abun­dant cul­tur­al selec­tion of a big city, topped with four dis­tinct sea­sons and fan­tas­tic nat­ur­al expe­ri­ences. Ser­vice sug­ges­tion: dai­ly.

The long beach at Nal­likari and the joy­ful mood at the Mar­ket Square on a care­free summer’s day. Blos­som­ing cul­tur­al events and activ­i­ties for all tastes. A charm­ing and classy selec­tion of restau­rants and nice cafés. The sea ice and well-main­tained ski tracks on a crisp winter’s day. Cycling along beau­ti­ful routes through­out the year – any­where you want to go.

Does this sound like fan­ta­sy? Oh no, it is real­i­ty in Oulu, the city with more than a thou­sand invit­ing events every year. The city with high-class con­di­tions for train­ing tra­di­tion­al indi­vid­ual sports and team dis­ci­plines, not for­get­ting active enthu­si­asts of more mod­ern sports. Four gen­uine sea­sons offer a vary­ing envi­ron­ment for all kinds of activ­i­ties.

More infor­ma­tion about leisure options in Oulu

The num­ber one spot for any tourist or stay­ca­tion plan­ner is Vis­i­tOulu:
Vis­i­tOulu web­site (opens in a new tab)

Find plen­ty of events for almost any day at Oulu event cal­en­dar:
Oulu event cal­en­dar (opens in a new tab: munoulu.fi)

Sci­ence, arts, read­ing. Activ­i­ties for the whole fam­i­ly. More time for enjoy­ing north­ern expe­ri­ences.