Pri­vacy Policy


Our web­si­te uses coo­kies. A coo­kie is a small text file that the brow­ser sto­res on the visitor’s device. Coo­kies are used for sto­ring the visitor’s data when he/she switc­hes from a web ser­vice page to anot­her, for example. Coo­kies do not harm the visitor’s device or files. A coo­kie can be sto­red on the device per­sis­tent­ly or it can be dele­ted after the ser­vice has been used.

Coo­kies can be used for col­lec­ting the fol­lowing data, for example

Web­si­te’s own coo­kies

The website’s own coo­kies can be used for sto­ring visi­tor-rela­ted data and set­tings inten­ded for the use of the web­si­te, such as user­na­me, ser­vice login infor­ma­tion, lan­gua­ge or region pre­fe­rence. The data is used for imple­men­ting and cus­to­mizing the func­tio­na­li­ty of the web­si­te and retai­ning the visitor’s pre­fe­rences. The­se coo­kies can be essen­tial to the func­tio­na­li­ty and use of the web­si­te. Coo­kies do not sto­re data that would be used for mar­ke­ting or trac­king the visi­tors in other ser­vices or web­si­tes.

Third-par­ty coo­kies

We use ser­vices pro­vi­ded by third par­ties to col­lect web­si­te visi­tor sta­tis­tics and ana­lyze the data. Our pur­po­se is to deve­lop the qua­li­ty and con­tent of our web­si­te in a user-dri­ven way. To imple­ment visi­tor trac­king and ana­ly­tics, the ser­vices can sto­re their own coo­kies, as well as uti­lize and com­bi­ne data sto­red by the ser­vice from the same visi­tor on dif­fe­rent web­si­te.

We ensu­re that the cloud or other web ser­vices we use out­si­de the EU or Euro­pean Eco­no­mic Area ope­ra­te in compliance with the Per­so­nal Data Act.

Furt­her infor­ma­tion on the ope­ra­tion, col­lec­ted data, coo­kie usa­ge, and data pri­vacy of each ser­vice pro­vi­der is avai­lable on the web­si­te of each ser­vice pro­vi­der.

We also use exter­nal ser­vices on the web­si­te to track mar­ke­ting and impro­ve our ser­vice to our cus­to­mers, for example. Short desc­rip­tions of the exter­nal ser­vices we use are lis­ted below. We recom­mend that you also see the ser­vices’ own data pri­vacy prac­tices.

Google Ana­ly­tics

Google Ana­ly­tics is Google’s trac­king tool which col­lects such data as how many visi­tors a web­si­te has at speci­fic times and from whe­re the visi­tors come to the web­si­te. We use Ana­ly­tics to track mar­ke­ting and the beha­vior of tar­get groups.

Furt­her infor­ma­tion: Google pri­vacy policies (opens in a new tab) and Google Ana­ly­tics data pri­vacy and secu­ri­ty principles (opens in a new tab)

Cont­rol­ling coo­kies

You can dele­te exis­ting coo­kies and pre­vent the use of coo­kies in brow­ser set­tings. Instruc­tions are avai­lable at (opens in a new tab). Howe­ver, disabling coo­kies may pre­vent the pro­per func­tio­na­li­ty of the web­si­te.

You can use the Your Onli­ne Choices ser­vice to cont­rol how your data is col­lec­ted and used in seve­ral dif­fe­rent ser­vices (opens in a new tab).