
In Oulu, you get to inno­va­te, be ins­pi­red, and deve­lop in an envi­ron­ment of world-class oppor­tu­ni­ties. This is your shortcut to events that will help you unleash your poten­tial.

If you need an even wider selec­tion of events for com­pa­nies and emplo­yees or job see­kers, plea­se take a peek into the Business­Oulu calen­dar!

The best events in the North welco­me you

Nort­hern Power

Nort­hern Power busi­ness forum pre­sents the cur­rent sta­te of hydro­gen eco­no­my for com­pa­nies and deci­sion-makers, focusing on the uti­li­sa­tion of hydro­gen in mobi­li­ty, logis­tics, industry, and pro­per­ty mana­ge­ment.

Nort­hern Glow

Nort­hern Glow lights up the busi­ness sce­ne in Oulu by offe­ring new pers­pec­ti­ves, ins­pi­ra­tion, and networ­king oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Talvinen ilmakuva lumisesta Oulusta iltavalaistuksesa. Etualalla Torinranta.

City mar­ke­ting forum

Are you rea­dy to be ins­pi­red? This is the time for Oulu!

Circu­lar Eco­no­my Are­na

Com­pa­nies and other pro­fes­sio­nals exhi­bit their circu­lar eco­no­my exper­ti­se at an open fair arran­ged at Tul­li­sa­li events are­na.

Mana­ge your­self!

Self-mana­ge­ment and well-being at work are inse­pa­rable fac­tors when it comes to any success sto­ry. Come and hear the ins­pi­ring his­to­ries of sea­so­ned pro­fes­sio­nals, ent­repre­neurs, and lea­ders.