Find a talent

Kolme ihmistä katsoo tietokonetta

Is your com­pa­ny in need of talent from Oulu? Or are you establis­hing your busi­ness in Oulu? You are warm­ly welco­me. Oulu is a city of three uni­ver­si­ties and seve­ral other educa­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions pac­ked with talent for the futu­re.

Jobs and experts meet in Oulu. Rec­rui­ting new talent here is easier than ever befo­re. If your com­pa­ny is loo­king to head for the glo­bal mar­ket, we also have plen­ty of inter­na­tio­nal level talent – and help is always avai­lable for the rec­ruit­ment process.

Find help at the most inte­res­ting sta­tion in town – the Busi­ness­A­se­ma sta­tion

Busi­ness men­tors. Rec­ruit­ment assis­tance. Financial coun­sel­ling. Busi­ness­A­se­ma offers a ver­sa­ti­le selec­tion of ser­vices, infor­ma­tion, and gui­dance for busi­ness pur­po­ses. For example, the advi­sors of Business­Oulu busi­ness ser­vices are the­re for you to meet on Tues­days between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. All the ser­vices are also avai­lable onli­ne.


One of the ser­vices avai­lable at Busi­ness­A­se­ma is the Työn Tai­ta­jat concept. It is an ope­ra­tio­nal model deve­lo­ped in Oulu for col­la­bo­ra­tion between com­pa­nies and educa­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions.

Business­Oulu is your company’s best friend

Do you need help rec­rui­ting a new emplo­yee? Your answer is Business­Oulu!

Business­Oulu has an ever-wider varie­ty of ser­vices for com­pa­nies with emplo­yee needs. Capable talent is on offer in many dif­fe­rent fields, and Business­Oulu can con­duct pre­li­mi­na­ry inter­views with poten­tial emplo­yees on your behalf. You can find more sup­port for rec­rui­ting at our rec­ruit­ment events and trai­ning ses­sions.

Whet­her you are a begin­ning ent­repre­neur or an establis­hed pro­fes­sio­nal loo­king for inter­na­tio­nal growth, the busi­ness ser­vices at Business­Oulu help you with all your ques­tions concer­ning busi­ness ope­ra­tions – also digi­tal­ly.

Kaksi ihmistä ja BusinessAseman palveluneuvonta

IH Oulu – we con­nect talent and emplo­yers

Are you short of inter­na­tio­nal talent? Do not wor­ry – Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu (IH Oulu) is the solu­tion!

The goal of IH Oulu is to match inter­na­tio­nal talent with local com­pa­nies suf­fe­ring from shor­ta­ge of labour. Oulu is home to nume­rous inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents and fresh gra­dua­tes who are rea­dy to bring their talent to your com­pa­ny – as emplo­yees or trai­nees.

As a bonus, Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu works to strengt­hen the appeal of Oulu region and inter­na­tio­nal talents’ awa­re­ness of it. Com­pa­nies also have access to men­to­ring and a varie­ty of trai­ning events.

You can also find Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu on Lin­ke­dIn, Face­book and Ins­ta­gram – fol­low #ihou­lu
Learn more about Inter­na­tio­nal House Oulu on Lin­ke­dIn (opens in a new tab:

Kolme ihmistä istuu kahvikuppien kanssa pöydän ääressä ja nauraa yhdessä.

More ser­vices for inter­na­tio­nal rec­rui­ting

Here are more web­si­tes to help you with your rec­ruit­ment process when you are thin­king about hiring an inter­na­tio­nal emplo­yee:

Adver­ti­se an open posi­tion at TE Ser­vices (opens in a new tab:

TE Ser­vices: seek and find an emplo­yee (opens in a new tab:

Infor­ma­tion about the reloca­tion ser­vices of the Cent­re for Eco­no­mic Deve­lop­ment, Trans­port and the Envi­ron­ment (opens in a new tab:

Busi­ness Finland’s rec­ruit­ment sup­port (opens in a new tab:

Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu educa­tio­nal ser­vices for the inter­na­tio­nal wor­king com­mu­ni­ty (opens in a new tab:

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