People in on a dock Oulu

Dis­cov­er Oulu: Your Gate­way to Busi­ness, Cul­ture, and Lifestyle

For tal­ents, trav­el­ers, or busi­ness­es seek­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, we con­nect you to the city’s vibrant offer­ings. Let Oulu ignite your imag­i­na­tion!

Oulu – a high­er grade of liv­ing

Right now in Oulu

Julius Idi­an and Jayson Ril­lo came to Oulu from the Philip­pines. They like their workplace’s cul­ture in Puis­to­la restau­rant. It is friend­ly, gen­er­ous, and sup­port­ive. “Love the way they have trust for Fil­ipinos, even if we don’t speak Finnish”, they say.


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Beat­riz Rocha, 25, moved to Oulu in the fall of 2021, when she start­ed her master’s degree. We were curi­ous to know what brought her here and ulti­mate­ly made her stay.

Learn more about Beat­riz’s life

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This expan­sion marks a sig­nif­i­cant step for the region’s tourism and busi­ness sec­tors, pro­vid­ing more con­nec­tions to the heart of Cen­tral Europe and beyond.


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Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu cel­e­brat­ed one year anniver­sary with a mem­o­rable event that high­light­ed its achieve­ments and con­tri­bu­tions over the past year.



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Intor­duc­ing Tomas Sle­sar, a Slo­va­kian native who’s called Oulu home for 14 years. From nav­i­gat­ing the con­trasts of Finnish sea­sons to ful­ly embrac­ing the warmth of Finnish cul­ture.

Read more about Tomas Sle­sar’s life

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Are you har­bour­ing a tech busi­ness idea but not quite ready to take the leap into entre­pre­neur­ship? Start­up Pro­gram Man­ag­er Viera Karam presents five steps to becom­ing a start­up entre­pre­neur.

Read more on My Oulu

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Oulu is grow­ing and evolv­ing with you

Find a solu­tion to all your needs in Oulu

At Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma, work and tal­ent meet in an envi­ron­ment that pro­vides handy options for devel­op­ing per­son­al exper­tise as well as busi­ness oper­a­tions.

Learn more about Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma

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The Pohjo­la Route is a cir­cu­lar road sys­tem that offers a range of expe­ri­ences for motorists, fam­i­lies, nature enthu­si­asts as well as trav­ellers who pre­fer pub­lic trans­port options. Along the Pohjo­la Route, any­one can select the itin­er­ary and nature attrac­tions of their choice – trav­el­ling the full length of the route or just parts of it.

Have a clos­er look at the Pohjo­la Route

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Or are you still search­ing for your path to employ­ment? Business­Oulu can help you! Check out the ser­vices for entre­pre­neurs, organ­i­sa­tions and tal­ent!

Read more about Business­Oulu

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