
Houses by the river photographed from the air. In the centre, there are also some berths with boats parked.

In Oulu, you can live in the heart of the city cent­re or by a lake, and your housing costs will not climb through the roof. As far as sty­les go, housing options ran­ge from the latest modern arc­hi­tec­tu­re to older, idyl­lic alter­na­ti­ves in cosy suburbs. New districts have been built wit­hin fluent con­nec­tions from the city cent­re.

The advan­ta­ges of eve­ry­day living in Oulu com­pa­red to other big cities have been mea­su­red. Com­pa­red to Hel­sin­ki, for example, an Oulu resi­dent gets double the squa­re met­res for their home with the same amount of money. The small but big city can offer somet­hing many others can­not.

Des­pi­te its size, Oulu is seen as a good envi­ron­ment for children to grow up, a safe place to live in, and a plea­sant envi­ron­ment in gene­ral – the­se are usual­ly the bene­fits of small towns. This is why Oulu is such a shi­ning star as a place to live: it com­bi­nes the oppor­tu­ni­ties of a big city with the bene­fits of a small com­mu­ni­ty.

More infor­ma­tion about housing in Oulu

Read more about housing in Oulu:
City of Oulu housing pages (opens in a new tab: ouka.fi)

f you alrea­dy live here, you can brow­se the city ser­vices
City of Oulu ser­vices (opens in a new tab: ouka.fi)

An ima­ge stu­dy by Sta­tis­tics Fin­land showed that as many as 16 per cent of Finns might think about moving to Oulu. In pro­por­tion to the who­le popu­la­tion this equals to 700 000 Finns. As many as 57 per cent of the people in nort­hern Fin­land might think about moving to Oulu.