Oulu Housing Fair 2025

Visualisation of the guest marina with colourful boats attached to the jetty and a small house on the water.

Clo­se your eyes and ima­gi­ne a modern, com­mu­nal way of vil­la­ge living – one that not only pays homa­ge to his­to­ry but also offers today’s poten­tial for various sta­ges and sty­les of life. Now you are thin­king about Har­taan­se­län­ran­ta whe­re a new resi­den­tial district for Oulu Housing Fair 2025 is being built.

Oulu Housing Fair will take place in the sum­mer of 2025 in the beau­ti­ful Oulu River estua­ry landsca­pe in Har­taan­se­län­ran­ta district. This will be the set­ting of a new, sti­mu­la­ting living envi­ron­ment offe­ring ver­sa­ti­le pos­si­bi­li­ties for out­door acti­vi­ties and city cul­tu­re for futu­re resi­dents, all the people of Oulu, and visi­tors, too.

The Har­taan­se­län­ran­ta neigh­bour­hood will con­sist of mul­tiple types of housing, inclu­ding sty­lish apart­ment buil­dings and small resi­den­tial buil­dings, fas­hio­nable town houses and litt­le pri­va­te houses. Also being plan­ned is a floa­ting resi­den­tial block, which is a rari­ty in Fin­land.

Nightly visualisation of Hartaanselänranta as seen from the Oulu River estuary.

A hig­her gra­de of com­mu­ni­ty in nature’s embrace

The Har­taan­se­län­ran­ta district covers both sides of the Har­taan­sel­kä waters­hed in the Oulu River estua­ry. The new neigh­bour­hood will rise in places whe­re not only water but dif­fe­rent people and cul­tu­res as well as new ideas and ins­pi­ra­tions have flowed through the years.

The plea­sant winds of the district’s live­ly his­to­ry still blow today, and an open com­mu­ni­ty spi­rit can be sen­sed in the DNA of the area: all kinds of people and busi­nes­ses are welco­me here! The com­mu­nal, huma­ne spi­rit that is so typical of Oulu is tan­gible in the mul­tiple types of resi­dents and housing here as well as in the atmosp­he­re and envi­ron­ment of doing things toget­her.

In the futu­re, the new district will offer resi­dents func­tio­nal eve­ry­day living in har­mo­ny with the sur­roun­ding natu­re. The blue-green infra­struc­tu­re of the area has been con­si­de­red in the plans, with addi­tio­nal sur­veys on the natu­re and landsca­pe. The aim is to pre­ser­ve as much forest and coas­tal bush area for bird­li­fe as pos­sible in Hie­ta­saa­ri Island and pay atten­tion to mea­dows in the plans. Har­taan­se­län­ran­ta district also aims to par­tici­pa­te in deve­lop­ment pro­jects sup­por­ting car­bon neut­ra­li­ty, with efforts to faci­li­ta­te envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly and car-free traf­fic in the area.

Visualisation of a neighbourhood street in Hartaanselänranta district with people walking in the evening twilight. Along the street there are beautifully lit business premises and verdant trees. A tall apartment building can be seen in the background.

Vita­li­ty for eve­ry­one through a new kind of housing

The Har­taan­se­län­ran­ta district will beco­me an appea­ling and refres­hing alter­na­ti­ve for spen­ding your free time – whet­her you are riding a bike or a wheelc­hair, for example. The district exempli­fies what Oulu is all about for various tar­get groups from tra­vel­lers and fit­ness ent­husiasts to city deve­lo­pers.

The problems of the futu­re will be sol­ved in Oulu with a hig­her gra­de of smart­ness, and Har­taan­se­län­ran­ta will be inclu­ded in the crea­tion of futu­re success. The district stri­ves to deve­lop along­si­de its ent­repre­neurs and busi­nes­ses and thus faci­li­ta­te new and inno­va­ti­ve forms of enterpri­se.

Visualisation of a lighted bridge across Oulu River.

The foun­da­tion of the plans for Har­taan­se­län­ran­ta is to sup­port unhur­ried eve­ry­day living, eco­lo­gy, and com­mu­na­li­ty: Could dro­nes deli­ver resi­dents’ food orders to their doors­tep? Would it be fea­sible to uti­li­se the was­te heat from buil­dings in the hea­ting and coo­ling of apart­ments? Could a boat or a car be ren­ted easi­ly and flexibly accor­ding to per­so­nal needs, ins­tead of owning one? Would it be pos­sible to find sup­port for dai­ly cho­res near­by, or like­min­ded com­pa­ny for taking a run or pur­suing other lei­su­re acti­vi­ties?