
A person is biking on a winter’s day on the dam bridge. The person has dark clothes on, and sun is shining behind them. In the background, vapour is rising from the river, and buildings along the Oulu River can be seen on the bank.

In Oulu, the days roll by on people’s terms. In the cycling city, dai­ly des­ti­na­tions and big­ger dreams can be reac­hed easi­ly and eco­lo­gical­ly. Oulu is easy to visit, but you may notice that you would rat­her stay a whi­le lon­ger!

Just think about it: Traf­fic jams and con­ges­tion will not stretch your days in Oulu! Smooth and swift mobi­li­ty to work, hob­bies and other eve­ry­day errands direct­ly means more time for preci­se­ly what you value the most. A maxi­mum of 20 minu­tes anyw­he­re – here you will spend much less time on trips.

Oulu is also very acces­sible – loca­tion-wise, that is. Alt­hough our lati­tu­de is in the north, coming here is effort­less. In fact, we are rat­her clo­se to eve­ryt­hing: just 50 minu­tes to the nation’s capi­tal, a couple of hours to Cent­ral Euro­pe, and all around the north in a flash. The nea­rest fell is just an hour and a half away! The air­port ser­ving our live­ly tech­no­lo­gy and uni­ver­si­ty city is the second busiest in Fin­land, and the railways are a green option for coming and going around the clock.

The capi­tal of year-round cycling

You can sen­se Oulu at its best when riding a bike, be it sum­mer or win­ter. When the weat­her is warm, the streets and cycling rou­tes are hot with local people biking eve­ryw­he­re. Special, wide cycling highways will lead you to the most impor­tant loca­tions in town, and you can easi­ly ride to other munici­pa­li­ties around Oulu if you wish. But what hap­pens when it gets win­dy, and snow is flying eve­ryw­he­re? The resi­dents of the win­ter cycling capi­tal do not mind – it is easy to keep pedal­ling, for special atten­tion is being paid to cycling and the main­te­nance of bike rou­tes also in the win­ter­ti­me.