
People are laughing and wading in shallow water near the shore, the sun is shining brightly. The wading people have rolled up the legs of their pants or lifted the hems of their skirts.

A high­er grade of liv­ing, what is that? At least high-qual­i­ty hous­ing with low costs, inter­est­ing job oppor­tu­ni­ties, lack of con­ges­tion, and com­pre­hen­sive, func­tion­al ser­vices – not to for­get the urban, green nature around!

A bet­ter, more inspir­ing, and more mean­ing­ful Oulu is being built togeth­er, con­tin­u­ous­ly. The cul­tur­al city on its way to becom­ing the best in Europe offers events, activ­i­ties, cul­ture, and well-being. The ser­vice selec­tion in the city is excel­lent and there are inter­est­ing employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for many tastes. Here you can get a top-notch edu­ca­tion from tod­dler to doc­tor – in Finnish and in Eng­lish.

The nature is close, but the city is bustling with urban life. The Oulu region offers the latitude’s best con­di­tions for sus­tain­able expe­ri­ences and activ­i­ties. And here is a free tip for all out­door peo­ple: there is no end to play­grounds, for­est trails and out­door gyms that are open to all!

Among the most attrac­tive cities in Fin­land

Houses by the river photographed from the air. In the centre, there are also some berths with boats parked.


You are wel­come to live in Oulu, com­fort­ably and more inex­pen­sive­ly than in oth­er big cities. The com­pact­ness of Oulu means that although the city is wide you will nev­er live far from where you are going. Get to know more about hous­ing in Oulu.

A person is biking on a winter’s day on the dam bridge. The person has dark clothes on, and sun is shining behind them. In the background, vapour is rising from the river, and buildings along the Oulu River can be seen on the bank.


The 20-minute city means exact­ly what you think it does – noth­ing is far away! Get­ting around in Oulu and com­ing here is easy both by car and pub­lic trans­port. Two wheels are quite enough for swift mobil­i­ty, too, for Oulu is one of the self-evi­dent cycling cap­i­tals in the world. Get to know more about mobil­i­ty in Oulu.

A person wearing a white shirt and black pants is skateboarding in a skate park decorated with colourful graffiti underneath a blue sky. The person is in the middle of a trick, and the skateboard is rolling around under their feet.


Oulu is always at its best! The city is a sus­tain­ably grow­ing hub of activ­i­ties, events, and expe­ri­ences. One after the oth­er, the activ­i­ties in Oulu are enjoy­able, acces­si­ble, and dif­fer­ent. Get to know more about leisure in Oulu.

Our super­pow­ers are the dif­fer­ent peo­ple, neigh­bor­hoods, and Oulu’s rich and var­ied nature. We have the space, time, and oppor­tu­ni­ties for authen­tic encoun­ters – of a high­er grade°, nat­u­ral­ly – that may change your life.