Eco­sys­tems and clus­ters

Mies osoittaa kuvan vasemmassa reunassa näkyvää kosketusnäyttöä. Hänellä on päällään sininen kauluspaita ja kaulassa punainen avainnauha, jossa lukee BusinessAsema. Taustalla näkyy käytä, jonka varrella on ovia.

A networ­ked com­pa­ny gains syner­gy bene­fits, expo­su­re, and ope­ra­ti­ve boost from joint ven­tu­res.

Part­ners always make inno­va­tion easier, and going inter­na­tio­nal beco­mes more fea­sible toget­her than wor­king by your­self. A func­tio­nal network also att­racts new com­pa­nies to join. You are welco­me to deve­lop your busi­ness with us!

Find out more about the networks and eco­sys­tems

A woman movers information boxes on a smart board that shows the floor plan of the building.

Fore­run­ners in digi­ta­li­sa­tion and ICT

Oulu has more than 50 years of expe­rience in deve­lo­ping wire­less tech­no­lo­gies, making the region’s pio­neers­hip in the field indis­pu­table. Mobi­le tech­no­lo­gies deve­lo­ped in Oulu are being used by almost 3 bil­lion people around the world dai­ly. The much tal­ked about 5G tech­no­lo­gy has lar­ge­ly been deve­lo­ped in Oulu, and visio­na­ries at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu are alrea­dy hard at work crea­ting 6G, the next gene­ra­tion of wire­less com­mu­nica­tions.

In recent years, the tech­no­lo­gy eco­sys­tem in Oulu has beco­me a hub of dozens of glo­bal pro­duct deve­lop­ment units. Com­bi­ning excel­lence in dif­fe­rent fields with wire­less exper­ti­se results in smart ICT solu­tions with which to pro­duce high­ly deve­lo­ped, per­so­na­li­sed, and con­nec­table ser­vices for various industries, such as health care.

Pio­neers of health tech­no­lo­gy

The Oulu region is the second big­gest hub of health tech­no­lo­gy in Fin­land. Local com­pa­nies of the health and well-being industry, research ins­ti­tu­tions, and the public sec­tor col­la­bo­ra­te in a network cal­led Oulu­Health. Its goal is to crea­te new busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties, to speed up the growth of com­pa­nies, and natu­ral­ly to offer ever bet­ter solu­tions to deve­lop health care and well-being ser­vices on a glo­bal sca­le.

Our special com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge lies in the seam­less confluence of health tech­no­lo­gy, biosciences, medici­ne, and engi­nee­ring. The Oulu­Health eco­sys­tem ope­ra­tes in the inter­na­tio­nal front­li­ne of digi­tal health care by pro­mo­ting health and well-being ser­vices by means of infor­ma­tion engi­nee­ring. As an exempla­ry result, the world’s smar­test hos­pi­tal will be comple­ted in Oulu in 2030.

A person sits in front of a laptop in a remote meeting with headphones in a light, elegant space.
A person stands in front of the starry sky and looks to the left with VR glasses.

Makers of futu­re auto­mo­ti­ve industry

Oulu Auto­mo­ti­ve Clus­ter is one of the most rapid­ly growing busi­ness clus­ters in Fin­land. It is an open eco­sys­tem for com­pa­nies and research ins­ti­tu­tions which col­la­bo­ra­te to deve­lop auto­mo­ti­ve elect­ri­fica­tion, auto­no­mous trans­port, and new busi­ness models for mobi­li­ty. The clus­ter assists SMEs in reac­hing cus­to­mers and part­ners wit­hin the auto­mo­ti­ve industry.

Inno­va­tion acti­vi­ties and growth com­pa­nies are fuel­led by ICT exper­ti­se, high-class educa­tion, and a unique model of co-crea­tion. Oulu has paved the way for glo­bal deve­lop­ment of 5G network tech­no­lo­gy and is cur­rent­ly a fore­run­ner in 6G research. Oulu is also the home of prin­ted elect­ro­nics which revo­lu­tio­ni­ses the way in which vehicles are desig­ned, deve­lo­ped, and manu­fac­tu­red.

The most educable city in circu­lar eco­no­my

The City of Oulu has com­mit­ted to pro­mo­ting circu­lar eco­no­my toget­her with its sta­ke­hol­ders. A road­map for circu­lar eco­no­my has been crea­ted to faci­li­ta­te this work. Circu­lar eco­no­my solu­tions call for a new mind­set and new kinds of value chains. They call for lear­ning that requi­res research, deve­lop­ment, expe­ri­men­ta­tion, succes­ses, and some­ti­mes also fai­lu­res. We wish to be the most educable city in circu­lar eco­no­my whi­le also pro­mo­ting the deve­lop­ment of our sta­ke­hol­ders.

A circu­lar eco­no­my clus­ter has been establis­hed to boost this coo­pe­ra­tion. The clus­ter is an open eco­sys­tem for com­pa­nies, hel­ping them to attain new part­ners and cus­to­mers, sha­ring infor­ma­tion and exper­ti­se, and orga­ni­sing trials and events to advance circu­lar eco­no­my inno­va­tions and busi­ness. The clus­ter also func­tions as an inter­face to the public sec­tor and inter­na­tio­nal clus­ters, thus inc­rea­sing the expo­su­re of com­pa­nies.

Parrakas mies seisoo etualalla, kaksi naista keskustelee taaempana
Virtual city silhouette


MetaCi­ty is a leap into a next-gene­ra­tion smart city concept which speeds up the deve­lop­ment of digi­tal and vir­tual ser­vices and admi­ni­stra­tion in the post-pan­de­mic world.