
Logos: Council of Oulu Region and European Union, European Regional Development Fund
Virtual city silhouette


MetaC­i­ty is a leap to a nov­el gen­er­a­tion of smart city con­cept to accel­er­ate the evolve­ment of dig­i­tal and vir­tu­al city ser­vices and gov­er­nance to the next lev­el of the post-pan­dem­ic era, after the tran­si­tion to vir­tu­al coop­er­a­tion. The cor­ner­stones of MetaC­i­ty are in the high-tech­nol­o­gy but strong focus of co-inno­va­tion is in the ser­vices.


Com­pa­nies, cities, research insti­tutes and cit­i­zens desire to devel­op new meth­ods to co-inno­vate wher­ev­er they are locat­ed. MetaC­i­ty is envi­ron­ment for advanced inclu­sion, pres­ence and con­tri­bu­tion despite of phys­i­cal loca­tion. MetaC­i­ty wel­comes any size of com­pa­ny from any busi­ness sec­tor and all indi­vid­u­als to boost open­ings of cit­i­zen sci­ence.


In MetaC­i­ty the coop­er­a­tion is con­duct­ed inten­sive­ly between researchers, devel­op­ers and inno­va­tors togeth­er with oper­a­tional city plan­ning offi­cials in the areas of var­i­ous city func­tions like education&culture, ener­gy trans­porta­tion, health and prop­er­ties. The MetaC­i­ty is an are­na of green thoughts for sus­tain­able future..

What is in it for me?

You can be a big com­pa­ny, SME, start-up, spinn-off, com­mu­ni­ty or indi­vid­ual. In the MetaC­i­ty you can find and com­pose ecosys­tems, learn from busi­ness ver­ti­cals, coop­er­ate with world-class researchers, find your cus­tomer, bring your idea, find resources, get spar­ring, apply for patents, pilot and scale inno­va­tions, get coach­ing of dig­i­tal econ­o­my and much more.

How can I access it?

MetaC­i­ty is not shack­led to phys­i­cal loca­tions, but coin­no­va­tion hap­pens in con­tin­u­ous­ly evolv­ing net­work of Meta­Spaces in which you can con­nect with your per­son­al MetaBub­ble, which we encour­age you to estab­lish – now!

To main­tain some of our exist­ing sens­es or to pilot our super-sens­es we some­times get togeth­er also phys­i­cal­ly in hybrid venues. Also then you can join phys­i­cal­ly or as avatar from any loca­tion.

Prob­a­bly some day you want to vis­it the MetaC­i­ty phys­i­cal­ly. Some of most enthu­si­as­tic researchers, devel­op­ers and inno­va­tors who arrived for a vis­it, decid­ed to stay and set­tle down. They suc­ceed­ed to achieve meta-phys­i­cal pres­ence.

Does it cost?

There is no entrance fee, pay­ment or tax­es to enter the MetaC­i­ty. But you are required to have wild imag­i­na­tion and open­ness for co-cre­ation. With an eager atti­tude you may be tempt­ed to fas­ci­nat­ing projects.

Who to con­tact?

You can con­tact the May­or of MetaC­i­ty to describe your moti­va­tion to become a part­ner or MetaC­i­t­i­zen. The May­or guides you fur­ther.


Metac­i­ty-selvi­tystyön raport­ti (report in Finnish)