Arriv­ing in Oulu

Finnair Airbus A320 passenger plane is landing on an airport in the evening. The airport lights in the background are blurred.

If you thought Oulu is far from every­where, it is time to update the false impres­sion! It is easy to get here and mov­ing from place to place in Oulu is pleas­ant and com­fort­able. Pick up the fol­low­ing tips for arriv­ing in Oulu and get­ting around smooth­ly.

Oulu Air­port is one of the busiest in Fin­land, with numer­ous flights land­ing every day. Keep track of them through the Finavia web­page (opens in a new tab) – air­lines such as Finnair and Lufthansa fly to Oulu from sev­er­al loca­tions. You can fly from Oulu to Helsin­ki in an hour. Lufthansa has year-round, direct flights from Munich to Oulu.

The trip from Oulu air­port to the city cen­tre only takes about 20 min­utes by car, and bus­es, taxis, rent­ed cars, or your own car will get you there with lit­tle effort. Local trans­port bus­es go to the air­port at 30-minute inter­vals dur­ing the day.

If you arrive by train, you can get to Oulu from any­where in Fin­land: See the timeta­bles and routes on the VR web­site (opens in a new tab). Tak­ing the train is a care­free and green method of trav­el­ling to Oulu. The rail­way sta­tion is in the very heart of the city, and you will reach the busiest cen­tre in a few min­utes on foot. Right next to the rail­way sta­tion is the bus depot for all the long-dis­tance bus­es depart­ing to des­ti­na­tions around the coun­try.

Dri­vers with­in Fin­land can get to Oulu via Nation­al Roads 4, 20, and 22. These and oth­er roads from Oulu lead to region­al des­ti­na­tions with entic­ing land­scapes and activ­i­ties – beware of becom­ing addict­ed!

Get­ting around in Oulu on pub­lic trans­port or rid­ing a bike

The city cen­tre is sit­u­at­ed about 15 kilo­me­tres from Oulu Air­port and 800 metres from the rail­way sta­tion. It is the hub of pub­lic trans­port, cycling high­ways, and oth­er roads around Oulu and beyond.

In the city cen­tre and near the sta­tions you will find local trans­port bus stops where you can catch a bus wher­ev­er in Oulu you want to go. Go to the Oulu Pub­lic Trans­port Author­i­ty pages for nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion and timeta­bles. You will find spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion about tick­ets on this page (opens in a new tab). For pay­ing your fare on the bus, you can use a card with con­tact­less pay­ments or the Walt­ti mobile app, for exam­ple.

The peo­ple of Oulu ride their bikes every­where – check out our Cycling page for more! You can also rent an elec­tric scoot­er for get­ting from place to place, and the city cen­tre is very com­pact, so just walk­ing around is a love­ly alter­na­tive: at the same time, you can see the beau­ti­ful scenery at Hupisaaret Islands or the unique Oulu Riv­er estu­ary with its islands, from the city cen­tre through Hietasaari Island all the way to Nal­likari Beach.

Reach your des­ti­na­tion com­fort­ably in Oulu

Are you head­ing to Lin­nan­maa Cam­pus or the Tech­nol­o­gy Vil­lage?

Lin­nan­maa is about six kilo­me­tres from Oulu city cen­tre. The Pub­lic Trans­port Author­i­ty bus­es will take you near the main entrances of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu or Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences, or into the heart of the Tech­nol­o­gy Vil­lage. There are also plen­ty of park­ing spots in the Lin­nan­maa Cam­pus, although some of them have lim­it­ed park­ing hours and some are charge­able. You can eas­i­ly cycle here from any­where in town. The main cycling route in Oulu is the ”Lin­nan­maan baana” cycling high­way start­ing from the Mar­ket Square. It will lead you swift­ly to the cam­pus with plen­ty of park­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for bikes.

A bus is driving on a birch-lined road toward the camera on a late summer’s evening.

Need to get to the Kon­tinkan­gas Cam­pus­es or Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal?

Kon­tinkan­gas is about three kilo­me­tres away from Oulu city cen­tre. It is a handy dis­tance to walk or ride a bike like the locals do. Pub­lic Trans­port Author­i­ty bus routes will take you there eas­i­ly, with many lines stop­ping on Kajaan­in­tie and next to the hos­pi­tal. City Bus line B will also trans­port you there from the cen­tre. Arriv­ing with your own car is handy, too – there are plen­ty of park­ing spots and three park­ing garages around Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal.

A woman with her lips painted red is standing with a bicycle behind a bicycle basket, wearing a helmet.

Enjoy the Nal­likari Beach

People on a paved road next to a beach on a summery day. Two are riding bikes toward the camera, while two are walking away from it. There are people playing in the background.

The Nal­likari Hol­i­day Vil­lage is the gem of Hietasaari Island four kilo­me­tres from the city cen­tre. You will get to the sands of the Riv­iera of the North most eas­i­ly by bike through islands and the estu­ary, along a route that is cer­tain­ly one of the most beau­ti­ful in Oulu! You can get to Nal­likari also by catch­ing a bus on the pub­lic trans­port line num­ber 15, or the adorable city trains Pot­napekka and Kom­piainen in the sum­mer­time! Dri­vers can get to Nal­likari from the city cen­tre by fol­low­ing clear­ly marked signs – you can also check the dri­ving instruc­tions on the Nal­likari web­site (opens in a new tab).