Arri­ving in Oulu

Finnair Airbus A320 passenger plane is landing on an airport in the evening. The airport lights in the background are blurred.

If you thought Oulu is far from eve­ryw­he­re, it is time to upda­te the fal­se impres­sion! It is easy to get here and moving from place to place in Oulu is plea­sant and com­for­table. Pick up the fol­lowing tips for arri­ving in Oulu and get­ting around smooth­ly.

Oulu Air­port is one of the busiest in Fin­land, with nume­rous flights lan­ding eve­ry day. Keep track of them through the Fina­via web­pa­ge (opens in a new tab) – air­li­nes such as Fin­nair and Luft­han­sa fly to Oulu from seve­ral loca­tions. You can fly from Oulu to Hel­sin­ki in an hour. Luft­han­sa has year-round, direct flights from Munich to Oulu.

The trip from Oulu air­port to the city cent­re only takes about 20 minu­tes by car, and buses, taxis, ren­ted cars, or your own car will get you the­re with litt­le effort. Local trans­port buses go to the air­port at 30-minu­te inter­vals during the day.

If you arri­ve by train, you can get to Oulu from anyw­he­re in Fin­land: See the time­tables and rou­tes on the VR web­si­te (opens in a new tab). Taking the train is a care­free and green met­hod of tra­vel­ling to Oulu. The railway sta­tion is in the very heart of the city, and you will reach the busiest cent­re in a few minu­tes on foot. Right next to the railway sta­tion is the bus depot for all the long-dis­tance buses depar­ting to des­ti­na­tions around the count­ry.

Dri­vers wit­hin Fin­land can get to Oulu via Natio­nal Roads 4, 20, and 22. The­se and other roads from Oulu lead to regio­nal des­ti­na­tions with enticing landsca­pes and acti­vi­ties – bewa­re of beco­ming addic­ted!

Get­ting around in Oulu on public trans­port or riding a bike

The city cent­re is situa­ted about 15 kilo­met­res from Oulu Air­port and 800 met­res from the railway sta­tion. It is the hub of public trans­port, cycling highways, and other roads around Oulu and bey­ond.

In the city cent­re and near the sta­tions you will find local trans­port bus stops whe­re you can catch a bus whe­re­ver in Oulu you want to go. Go to the Oulu Public Trans­port Aut­ho­ri­ty pages for neces­sa­ry infor­ma­tion and time­tables. You will find speci­fic infor­ma­tion about tic­kets on this page (opens in a new tab). For paying your fare on the bus, you can use a card with con­tact­less pay­ments or the Walt­ti mobi­le app, for example.

The people of Oulu ride their bikes eve­ryw­he­re – check out our Cycling page for more! You can also rent an elect­ric scoo­ter for get­ting from place to place, and the city cent­re is very com­pact, so just wal­king around is a love­ly alter­na­ti­ve: at the same time, you can see the beau­ti­ful sce­ne­ry at Hupi­saa­ret Islands or the unique Oulu River estua­ry with its islands, from the city cent­re through Hie­ta­saa­ri Island all the way to Nal­li­ka­ri Beach.

Reach your des­ti­na­tion com­for­tably in Oulu

Are you hea­ding to Lin­nan­maa Cam­pus or the Tech­no­lo­gy Vil­la­ge?

Lin­nan­maa is about six kilo­met­res from Oulu city cent­re. The Public Trans­port Aut­ho­ri­ty buses will take you near the main ent­rances of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu or Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences, or into the heart of the Tech­no­lo­gy Vil­la­ge. The­re are also plen­ty of par­king spots in the Lin­nan­maa Cam­pus, alt­hough some of them have limi­ted par­king hours and some are char­geable. You can easi­ly cycle here from anyw­he­re in town. The main cycling rou­te in Oulu is the ”Lin­nan­maan baa­na” cycling highway star­ting from the Mar­ket Squa­re. It will lead you swift­ly to the cam­pus with plen­ty of par­king oppor­tu­ni­ties for bikes.

A bus is driving on a birch-lined road toward the camera on a late summer’s evening.

Need to get to the Kon­tin­kan­gas Cam­puses or Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal?

Kon­tin­kan­gas is about three kilo­met­res away from Oulu city cent­re. It is a han­dy dis­tance to walk or ride a bike like the locals do. Public Trans­port Aut­ho­ri­ty bus rou­tes will take you the­re easi­ly, with many lines stop­ping on Kajaa­nin­tie and next to the hos­pi­tal. City Bus line B will also trans­port you the­re from the cent­re. Arri­ving with your own car is han­dy, too – the­re are plen­ty of par­king spots and three par­king gara­ges around Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal.

A woman with her lips painted red is standing with a bicycle behind a bicycle basket, wearing a helmet.

Enjoy the Nal­li­ka­ri Beach

People on a paved road next to a beach on a summery day. Two are riding bikes toward the camera, while two are walking away from it. There are people playing in the background.

The Nal­li­ka­ri Holi­day Vil­la­ge is the gem of Hie­ta­saa­ri Island four kilo­met­res from the city cent­re. You will get to the sands of the Rivie­ra of the North most easi­ly by bike through islands and the estua­ry, along a rou­te that is cer­tain­ly one of the most beau­ti­ful in Oulu! You can get to Nal­li­ka­ri also by catc­hing a bus on the public trans­port line num­ber 15, or the ado­rable city trains Pot­na­pek­ka and Kom­piai­nen in the sum­mer­ti­me! Dri­vers can get to Nal­li­ka­ri from the city cent­re by fol­lowing clear­ly mar­ked signs – you can also check the dri­ving instruc­tions on the Nal­li­ka­ri web­si­te (opens in a new tab).