Nort­hern Power

Hydro­gen Rela­ted Busi­ness Forum
in Oulu, Fin­land
13th FEB 2025

Welco­me to the big­gest inter­na­tio­nal hydro­gen event in Nort­hern Fin­land!

3rd edi­tion of Nort­hern Power will focus pre­sen­ting the brigh­test Nor­dic hydro­gen pro­jects and lear­nings of the real life hydro­gen cases in Arc­tic Nor­dics. We will showca­se TOP-10 hydro­gen pro­jects from the Nor­dic count­ries, pro­jects in Port of Oulu, Pyy­ry­väi­nen, Laa­ni­la, Kemi, Tor­nio, Simo, Vaa­la, Uta­jär­vi, Haa­pa­ve­si, Nor­dic Hydro­gen Rou­te etc. To unders­tand how the glo­bal hydro­gen mar­kets are evol­ving we are sha­ring the most up-to-date gree­tings from inter­na­tio­nal lea­ding hydro­gen experts across the hydro­gen value chain.

Nort­hern Power will bring toget­her hundreds of inter­na­tio­nal industry lea­ders, inno­va­tors, researc­hers and policy­ma­kers to discuss the futu­re of hydro­gen ener­gy in the Nor­dic region. Nort­hern Power busi­ness forum is part of the Nor­dic Hydro­gen Week 11.–13.2.2025.

Stay tuned for more details and regi­stra­tion infor­ma­tion. Let’s build the futu­re of sus­tai­nable ener­gy toget­her!

What can you expect from Nort­hern Power busi­ness forum?

What is Nor­dic Hydro­gen Week?

Nor­dic Hydro­gen week is a 3 day event pre­sen­ting the cur­rent sta­te of Nor­dic hydro­gen pro­jects, stu­dies and inno­va­tions evol­ving hydro­gen mar­ket’s growth in Nor­dics. Nor­dic Hydro­gen Week’s pur­po­se is to build a hydro­gen eco­sys­tem by brin­ging industry experts toget­her, pro­mo­te Oulu’s green tran­si­tion and strengt­hen Oulu’s role as the hydro­gen capi­tal of the Both­nian arc.

11.2. Research Day orga­nized by Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu

12.2. Nor­dic Col­la­bo­ra­tion in Green Tran­si­tion Day

12.2. Site Visits in North

12.2. Eve­ning Recep­tion Orga­nized by City of Oulu

13.2. Nort­hern Power Busi­ness Forum

Past events: Nort­hern Power 2024

Pho­tos from the 2024 event

Pro­gram 2024

Mor­ning ses­sion

8.30–10.00 Mor­ning cof­fee and networ­king.
Hydro­gen fleet expo

10.00 Welco­me to Nort­hern Power! Int­ro­duc­tion to the day. 
Mr. Jan­ne Hie­ta­nie­mi, Key Account Direc­tor, Industry and Clean­tech, Business­Oulu

10.10 The success reci­pe for the green tran­si­tion in Nor­dics. 
Mr. Timo Rito­num­mi, Depu­ty Direc­tor Gene­ral, Mini­stry of Eco­no­mic Affairs and Emplo­y­ment of Fin­land

10.25 Need for speed in hard-to-aba­te industries. 
Mr. Ach­med Junusov, Co-Foun­der and Chief Evan­ge­list — H2UB, Senior Mana­ger Inno­va­tion & New Ven­tu­res — OGE

10.40 Inte­rac­tion

10.55 Cases and real-life solu­tions in Cent­ral Euro­pe.
Mr. Albert Zim­mer­mann, Senior Direc­tor, Green Hydro­gen, Andritz AG

11.10 Case: Start-up deve­lo­ping a glo­bal tech­no­lo­gy. 
Ms. Lau­ra Rahik­ka, Foun­der, CEO, Hyca­mi­te TCD Tech­no­lo­gies

11.25 Case: Green Hydro­gen Invest­ment in Har­ja­val­ta, Fin­land. Mr. Herk­ko Plit, CEO, P2X Solu­tions              

11.40  Oppor­tu­ni­ties for tech­no­lo­gy and engi­nee­ring com­pa­nies. Mr. Sami Lakio, Direc­tor Q Power and Mr. Jar­no Haa­pa­kos­ki, CEO, Vol­ter 

11.50–13.15 Lunch and networ­king
Hydro­gen fleet expo

Note, pro­gram may be sub­ject to chan­ge.

After­noon ses­sion

13.15 The role of educa­tion in hydro­gen eco­sys­tems. Mr. Mic­hael Diet­rich, Foun­der and Gene­ral Mana­ger, leX­so­lar GmbH 

13.30 Case Nor­dic Hydro­gen Rou­te and Sta­tus of Natio­nal Hydro­gen Infra­struc­tu­re Deve­lop­ment. Ms. Heli Virk­ki, Head of Hydro­gen Val­ley Deve­lop­ment at Gasgrid Vety­ver­kot Oy

13.45 Leve­ra­ging Renewable Hydro­gen to Com­bat Cli­ma­te Chan­ge. Ms. Hei­di Berg­man, Head of Invest­ment Pro­jects, Renewable Hydro­gen at Nes­te

14.00 Cases and Cur­rent sta­tus of H2 refue­ling sta­tions in Net­her­lands and Ger­ma­ny. Mr. Rob Cas­tien, CEO, Resa­to Hydro­gen Tech­no­lo­gy

14.15 Inter­na­tio­nal invest­ments sup­por­ting Nor­dic hydro­gen eco­no­my. Mr. Alek­si Have­ri­nen, Mana­ger, Busi­ness and Account Deve­lop­ment at Plug 

14.25 Elect­ri­fying fuel for a more sus­tai­nable futu­re. Mr. Claes Fredriks­son, CEO Liquid Wind  

14.40–15.10 Cof­fee break and networ­king.
Hydro­gen fleet expo

15.10 Bio­ge­nic CO2 for P2X. Mr. Joo­nas Ala­rau­dan­jo­ki, Pro­ject Mana­ger, Car­bon Cap­tu­re at Sto­ra Enso

15.25 Elect­ri­fying District Heat — Hydro­gen Insight. Mr. Kim­mo Ala­tulk­ki­la, Direc­tor, Deve­lop­ment of Ener­gy Sys­tems at Oulun Ener­gia 

15.40 Elect­rici­ty sourcing a key aspect in achie­ving a good busi­ness case in P2X pro­jects. Ms. Åsa Hed­man, Head of Ope­ra­tions, Flexens Oy Ab

15.55 Case Pate­nie­mi: Hydro­gen in real esta­te deve­lop­ment. Mr. Tee­mu Oksa­nen, Part­ner, Aal­to Deve­lop­ment and
Mr. Joa­kim Berg, CTO, GenH Ltd  

16.05 Cent­ral Fin­land Mobi­li­ty Foun­da­tion (Cef­mof) ‑Rea­lizing a car­bon-neut­ral and sus­tai­nable socie­ty by The City of Jyväs­ky­lä and TOYOTA Group. Ms. Haru­ka Arai, Execu­ti­ve Direc­tor, Cent­ral Fin­land Mobi­li­ty Foun­da­tion

16.15 Oulu Region: Oppor­tu­ni­ties and news
Vik­ke Saa­re­lai­nen, Execu­ti­ve Vice Pre­si­dent, Skar­ta Ener­gy Oy
Juha Ala-Mur­su­la, Execu­ti­ve Direc­tor, Business­Oulu 
Arto Suti­nen, CEO, Oulun Ener­gia Oy

16.45 Wrap­ping up the day

17.00–18.00 End of semi­nar and networ­king.
Hydro­gen fleet expo

Nort­hern Power 2024 Match­ma­king

Enterpri­se Euro­pe Network orga­nizes match­ma­king at Nort­hern Power 2024. Par­tici­pa­ting in a match­ma­king is a con­ve­nient and efficient met­hod to con­nect with poten­tial part­ners for col­la­bo­ra­tion. Match­ma­king is free of char­ge but requi­re regi­stra­tion.


Timo Rito­num­mi

Timo Rito­num­mi has wor­ked in the Mini­stry, Ener­gy Depart­ment (cur­rent­ly Mini­stry of Eco­no­mic Affairs and Emplo­y­ment) since 1996. Cur­rent­ly he is Depu­ty Direc­tor Gene­ral wor­king most­ly with clean ener­gy tech­no­lo­gies.

Hei­di Berg­man

Hei­di Berg­man is Head of Invest­ment Pro­jects, Renewable Hydro­gen at Nes­te. Nes­te crea­tes solu­tions for com­ba­ting cli­ma­te chan­ge and acce­le­ra­ting a shift to a circu­lar eco­no­my. The com­pa­ny refi­nes was­te, resi­dues and inno­va­ti­ve raw mate­rials into renewable fuels and sus­tai­nable feeds­tock for plas­tics and other mate­rials. At the moment, Nes­te is wor­king on renewable hydro­gen pro­jects to dec­rea­se the car­bon footprint of its refi­ne­ries and in order to be able to offer its cus­to­mers high-qua­li­ty fuels with low emis­sion inten­si­ty.

Hei­di Berg­man is Stee­ring Group mem­ber of the Hydro­gen Clus­ter Fin­land and holds MSc in Che­mical Engi­nee­ring & Industrial Mana­ge­ment from the Åbo Aka­de­mi and MBA from Aal­to Uni­ver­si­ty, School of Busi­ness.

Ach­med Junusov

Ach­med Junusov is a mec­ha­nical engi­neer with expe­rience in stra­te­gy and inno­va­tion. Prior to joi­ning the H2UB as COO, he was Senior Mana­ger Inno­va­tion & New Ven­tu­res res­pon­sible for all cor­po­ra­te ven­tu­ring topics at OGE which is the lar­gest TSO in Ger­ma­ny.

Laura Rahikka

Lau­ra Rahik­ka

Lau­ra Rahik­ka is a foun­der and the CEO of Hyca­mi­te TCD Tech­no­lo­gies Oy, a com­pa­ny com­mercia­li­sing the tech­no­lo­gy to split met­ha­ne into hydro­gen and solid car­bon. She is a M.Sc. (Tech.) in Process Engi­nee­ring and has 20+ years of expe­rience in process and che­mical engi­nee­ring.

Herkko Plit

Herk­ko Plit

Herk­ko Plit is the foun­der and CEO of P2X Solu­tions Oy, a fore­run­ner in the Fin­nish hydro­gen and e‑fuel industry. He leads P2X with his visio­na­ry atti­tu­de and acti­ve­ly par­tici­pa­tes in the crea­tion of the Fin­nish and Euro­pean hydro­gen eco­sys­tems in seve­ral forums.

Plit is Vice-Chair of the Fin­nish H2 Clus­ter. Befo­re establis­hing P2X Solu­tions, Plit has been in lea­ding posi­tions in com­pa­nies such as Bal­tic Con­nec­tor, For­tum, and TVO. He has also wor­ked as Depu­ty Direc­tor Gene­ral at the Mini­stry of Eco­no­mic Affairs and Emplo­y­ment, Ener­gy Depart­ment, and in the Euro­pean Com­mis­sion.

Heli Virk­ki

Heli Virkki’s role as Head of Hydro­gen Val­ley Deve­lop­ment at Gasgrid Fin­land entails pro­mo­ting regio­nal hydro­gen value chain deve­lop­ment work in Fin­land. Clo­se col­la­bo­ra­tion with com­mu­nal and industrial sta­ke­hol­ders is of essence in advancing the natio­nal hydro­gen infra­struc­tu­re deve­lop­ment as well as in the rea­liza­tion of industrial invest­ments wit­hin the hydro­gen value chain.

Heli’s com­pe­tence pro­fi­le inclu­des sta­ke­hol­der and eco­sys­tem mana­ge­ment wit­hin new clean tech­no­lo­gy deve­lop­ment. Background in pet­roc­he­micals, che­micals and ener­gy industry. Pas­sio­na­te about advancing sus­tai­nable industry wit­hin cross-func­tio­nal value chains and glo­bal sta­ke­hol­der networks.

Joakim Berg

Joa­kim Berg

After a 22-year career in elect­rical plan­ning, Joa­kim Berg star­ted wor­king with ener­gy efficiency, renewable ener­gy pro­duc­tion, self-suf­ficient pro­per­ties, and hydro­gen as ener­gy sto­ra­ge and for mobi­li­ty. Today, he has seve­ral dif­fe­rent hydro­gen pro­jects in various sta­ges that stretch from nort­hern Fin­land and Swe­den to India. He has also deve­lo­ped various solu­tions for sec­tor inte­gra­tions for real esta­te and mobi­li­ty.

Joa­kim Berg is a mem­ber of the ECH2A Round Table for Resi­den­tial Applica­tion and Round Table for Mobi­li­ty. He is also mem­ber of the EU Hydro­gen Alliance wor­king groups for per­mit mana­ge­ment and stan­dar­di­sa­tion, mem­ber of the Fin­nish stee­ring group for the NER (Nor­dic Ener­gy Research) pro­jects, and mem­ber of the Nor­dic NER pro­ject part from Swe­den H2SIPP.

Åsa Hed­man

Dr Åsa Hed­man works as Head of Ope­ra­tions at Flexens Oy Ab. Flexens is a pro­ject deve­lop­ment com­pa­ny focusing on lar­ge sca­le green hydro­gen- and its deri­va­ti­ves pro­jects. Flexens most matu­re pro­ject is a green ammo­nia plant with 300MW elect­ro­ly­ser capaci­ty in Kok­ko­la, Fin­land. Prior to joi­ning Flexens, 3 years ago, she wor­ked 20 years in the ener­gy field in various R&D and con­sul­tancy posi­tions at VTT, Moti­va and as an ent­repre­neur.

Joo­nas Ala­rau­dan­jo­ki

Joo­nas Ala­rau­dan­jo­ki has 5+ years of expe­rience in forest industry, especial­ly from its ener­gy rela­ted ope­ra­tions. He works cur­rent­ly as a Pro­ject Mana­ger at Sto­ra Enso and is res­pon­sible for dif­fe­rent car­bon cap­tu­re acti­vi­ties. Joo­nas holds a degree in M.Sc. (Tech.) in Industrial ener­gy and envi­ron­men­tal engi­nee­ring.

Alek­si Have­ri­nen

Alek­si Have­ri­nen is a hydro­gen and Power-to‑X expert with 10 years expe­rience in invest­ment pro­ject and busi­ness deve­lop­ment. Mr. Have­ri­nen is dri­ving Plug Power’s lar­ge-sca­le invest­ment pro­jects in Fin­land. By the end of the deca­de, the com­pa­ny plans to deve­lop three green hydro­gen plants tota­ling 2,2 GW capaci­ty in Kok­ko­la, Kris­tii­nan­kau­pun­ki and Por­voo.

Sami Lakio

Sami Lakio, the Sales Direc­tor of Q Power, doesn’t just dri­ve reve­nues; he embraces cus­to­mer-cent­ric solu­tions for figh­ting cli­ma­te chan­ge. Sami has been wor­king with Q Powers’ mic­ro­bio­lo­gical met­ha­na­tion solu­tions since 2020. He is hel­ping cus­to­mers in dif­fe­rent industries to turn CO2 emis­sions, car­bo­nous was­te mate­rials and hydro­gen into renewable, synt­he­tic met­ha­ne and to replace fos­sil fuels.

Vik­ke Saa­re­lai­nen

Vik­ke Saa­re­lai­nen is an expe­rienced busi­ness and ope­ra­tio­nal execu­ti­ve, who has accu­mu­la­ted his exper­ti­se in seve­ral industrial sec­tors, from star­tup com­pa­nies until to the SME sec­tors at in glo­bal com­pa­nies in Fin­land and abroad. Vik­ke is known as an inno­va­ti­ve refor­mer and doesn’t afraid take on big social chal­len­ges eit­her — now as the the latest, ener­gy mar­ket trans­for­ma­tion.

In his cur­rent role as Vice Pre­si­dent of Skar­ta Ener­gy Vik­ke is res­pon­sible for the ope­ra­tio­nal mana­ge­ment of renewable ener­gy pro­ject deve­lop­ment and is par­ticu­lar­ly fami­liar with the social chal­len­ges and oppor­tu­ni­ties rela­ted to solar ener­gy pro­duc­tion. Vik­ke is invol­ved in e.g. as a mem­ber of the stee­ring group at Uni­ver­si­ty of Oulu’sOYH2 — Hydro­gen tank research pro­ject and acti­ve­ly tra­vels around tel­ling the good news of renewable ener­gy and the hydro­gen eco­no­my in dif­fe­rent pro­vinces and events.

Claes Fredriks­son

Claes Fredriks­son has many years of expe­rience deve­lo­ping renewable ener­gy solu­tions inter­na­tio­nal­ly. He has held lea­ding posi­tions in lar­ge inter­na­tio­nal cor­po­ra­tions and inno­va­ti­ve start-up com­pa­nies. In 2015 he beca­me awa­re of the pos­si­bi­li­ty to crea­te car­bon neut­ral met­ha­nol. In 2017 Claes foun­ded Liquid Wind and since then, he has been wor­king relent­less­ly to assemble an expert team and world-class con­sor­tium to bring green elect­ro­fuel, eMet­ha­nol, to mar­ket at sca­le with the ambi­tion to elect­ri­fy Swe­dish and inter­na­tio­nal ship­ping.

Rob Cas­tien

My who­le career has been about high-tech pro­ducts and sys­tems, and inter­na­tio­nal busi­ness. In Resa­to the­se aspects come per­fect­ly toget­her and I have been able to add com­pa­ny owners­hip to the mix. It has been a pri­vi­le­ge to lead the Resa­to team to growth and I hope we can con­ti­nue to build a great com­pa­ny that tru­ly helps in making our cus­to­mers success­ful.

Resa­to spurs the ener­gy tran­si­tion by dri­ving zero emis­sion mobi­li­ty. We are a hy-tech com­pa­ny with world-class hydro­gen refue­ling tech­no­lo­gy. That’s how we acce­le­ra­te “100 to 0” emis­sion.

Our engi­nee­ring DNA has brought amazing results: hydro­gen refue­ling sta­tions with unpa­ral­le­led relia­bi­li­ty and per­for­mance. We aim for the hig­hest efficiency and up-time and most com­pe­ti­ti­ve Total Cost of Owners­hip.

Haru­ka Arai

Haru­ka Arai is Execu­ti­ve Direc­tor at Cef­mof. Cef­mof is establis­hed by the City of Jyväs­ky­lä, TOYOTA GAZOO Racing World Ral­ly Team, and Toy­ota Mobi­li­ty Foun­da­tion. We are crea­ting a car­bon-neut­ral futu­re.

She star­ted her career as a sales plan­ning and ana­ly­sis of mar­ket research in NTT DOCOMO, Japa­ne­se telecom­mu­nica­tions com­pa­ny, since 2010. She gai­ned cor­po­ra­te, busi­ness plan­ning and col­la­bo­ra­te between com­pa­ny expe­rience through a second­ment to a sub­si­dia­ry. She was in char­ge of pro­mo­ting open inno­va­tion between star­tups and the NTT Group, and inves­ting in star­tups at NTT DOCOMO Ven­tu­res, Inc., which is DOCO­MO’s cor­po­ra­te ven­tu­re capi­tal since 2020.

Kim­mo Ala­tulk­ki­la

Kim­mo Ala­tulk­ki­la is Deve­lop­ment Direc­tor at Oulun Ener­gia Oy.

Dive into the Hydro­gen Eco­no­my: I’ll be lea­ding ini­tia­ti­ves to har­ness the poten­tial of hydro­gen as a clean ener­gy source, paving the way for a sus­tai­nable futu­re.

Powe­ring Trans­for­ma­tion in Ener­gy Pro­duc­tion: Join me on the path to revo­lu­tio­nize ener­gy pro­duc­tion met­hods and make them more eco-friend­ly and efficient.

Elect­ri­fying Our World: We’­re on a mis­sion to elect­ri­fy industries and com­mu­ni­ties, cont­ri­bu­ting to a gree­ner and smar­ter futu­re.

Enhancing District Heat Com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness: Get rea­dy for a chal­len­ge as we boost the com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of district heat, ensu­ring affor­dable and sus­tai­nable warmth for all. District hea­ting is the key fac­tor in futu­re proof ener­gy sys­tem acting as an inte­gra­tor for new sources.

Janne Hietaniemi

Jan­ne Hie­ta­nie­mi

Jan­ne Hie­ta­nie­mi is a C‑level lea­der and a sea­so­ned stra­te­gist when it comes to buil­ding busi­nes­ses, networks, and plat­forms wit­hin envi­ron­men­tal sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty. He has 25+ years of expe­rience in the clean­tech busi­ness. Co-foun­der of seve­ral star­tups. He cur­rent­ly works as a Key Account Direc­tor for Business­Oulu.


Pia Erkinheimo

Pia Erkin­hei­mo

Pia Erkin­hei­mo works at The Fin­nish Cli­ma­te Fund as a mem­ber of the execu­ti­ve team res­pon­sible for dealflow and cus­to­mer rela­tions­hips. Her background is from com­pa­nies like Nor­dea, Nokia, and Cap­ge­mi­ni. The Euro­pean Com­mis­sion has bene­fi­ted from her S&T&I expe­rience for 15+ years as inno­va­tion expert and jury mem­ber, and she has advi­sed he G7 count­ries in digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies, advanced robo­tics, and data eco­no­my.

Besi­des that, she is a mem­ber of the board at Lap­peen­ran­ta Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy, Fin­land, and is or has been invol­ved in half a dozen growth com­pa­nies eit­her as an inves­tor, board mem­ber, or mem­ber of the execu­ti­ve team. She is a mem­ber of FiBAN, Fin­nish Busi­ness Angels Network whe­re she was also a mem­ber of the board in 2018 and regu­lar­ly wri­tes columns to Tek­niik­ka & Talous (Tech­no­lo­gy & Eco­no­my) weekly pro­fes­sio­nal magazi­ne. Pia is a co-foun­der of Women in Tech Fin­land, a network of com­pa­nies stan­ding for diver­si­ty and inclusion.

Simo Kekäläinen

Simo Kekä­läi­nen

Simo is a mul­ti­lin­gual com­mercia­li­sa­tion and mar­ke­ting expert with near­ly 10 years of expe­rience in the industry. He now works as Chief Mar­ke­ting Officer of a Fin­nish health tech com­pa­ny but divi­des his time and inte­rest with his own host/speaker com­pa­ny cal­led Pret­ty Good Hosts.

Simo is an aspi­ring voice actor and TEDxS­pea­ker who has also appea­red in many TV quiz shows in Fin­land. His dream is to tra­vel the world and some­day beco­me the ori­gi­nal voice of an ani­ma­ted Dis­ney cha­rac­ter.

Nort­hern Power 2023 pho­tos

Arri­val at Oulu

Tra­vel by train

Oulu has also frequent Pen­do­li­no and InterCi­ty train con­nec­tions from Hel­sin­ki and Tam­pe­re, and dai­ly over­night train con­nec­tion from Hel­sin­ki and Tur­ku. The fas­test jour­ney to Hel­sin­ki takes 5 hours 40 minu­tes. You can also access Oulu by train from Stock­holm (via Haaparanta–Tornio).

Tra­vel by bus

Tra­ve­ling by bus is also an option and the bus network is vast across the Fin­land.

Fly to Oulu

Oulu’s air­port, the second busiest in Fin­land. Fin­nair has mul­tiple dai­ly flights between Oulu and Hel­sin­ki. Esti­ma­ted flight time is just under 1 hour.

Luft­han­sa has direct flights from Munich (MUC) to Oulu (OUL).

Sat, Feb 10th, 2024 MUC – OUL
08:40 – 12:55
Wed, Feb 14th, 2024 OUL – MUC
17:05 – 19:20

It takes around 20 minu­tes from the venue Tul­li­sa­li to Oulu air­port

How to get to event venue Tul­li­sa­li

Address: Tyr­nä­vän­tie 16, 90400 Oulu

Tul­li­sa­li is easy to reach by public trans­por­ta­tion: buses from the south stop at Limin­gan­tul­li P and buses from the north stop at Limin­gan­tul­li E. Both bus stops are ca. 500 met­res from Tul­li­sa­li, which is loca­ted behind the big green Pris­ma hyper­mar­ket. Check the sche­du­les at

If you come with your per­so­nal car, the­re is plen­ty of par­king space around Tul­li­sa­li free of char­ge.


With around 10 hotels, 1,300 hotel rooms and 2,700 beds – and over 200 Airbnb over­night options – Oulu offers a varie­ty of accom­mo­da­tion options for all bud­gets.

Scan­dic Oulu City and
Scan­dic Oulu Sta­tion


De Gam­las Hem

100€ / 1 pers. / night
115€ / 2 pers. / night

tel. +358 75 325 7600

tel. +358 (0) 20 123 4730

tel. +358 (0) 881 1110

tel. +358 (0) 20 757 4700

tel. +358 (0) 8 312 3255

tel. +358 (0) 10 423 9394

