Oulu tool­kit

Welco­me to the Oulu Tool­kit, a compre­hen­si­ve resource pac­ked with essen­tial infor­ma­tion about Oulu. Dive into an array of videos, pic­tu­res, and pre­sen­ta­tions to get a real feel for what Oulu has to offer and tell others about it.

But that’s not all – this web­si­te itself is an inva­luable part of the tool­kit. Effort­less­ly navi­ga­te through various aspects of Oulu, from lei­su­re and lifes­ty­le to educa­tio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ties and busi­ness pros­pects. Loo­king for somet­hing speci­fic? Uti­lize the search fea­tu­re to pin­point exact­ly what you need to know about any topic rela­ted to Oulu!

If you are in need of mate­rials in Fin­nish, plea­se check out the Fin­nish ver­sion of this tool­kit.

Videos about Oulu

Expe­rience Oulu in dyna­mic fas­hion through our brand video. Per­fect for gene­ral discus­sions about Oulu, the­se moving ima­ges cap­tu­re the essence of the city. When del­ving into speci­fic sec­tors like ICT or health tech­no­lo­gy, our sec­tor-speci­fic videos are sure to make a las­ting impres­sion.

Brand videos

Sec­tor speci­fic videos


Health tech

Pic­tu­res of Oulu

Disco­ver and down­load roy­al­ty-free ima­ges of Oulu from the city’s media bank. Plea­se note that the mate­rials are inten­ded for com­mu­nica­tion and other non-com­mercial uses. Always men­tion the pho­to­grap­her’s name and the City of Oulu as the source.

Pre­sen­ta­tions about Oulu

Access and down­load our rea­dy-to-use pre­sen­ta­tion about Oulu. Avai­lable in PDF for­mat, this pre­sen­ta­tion is desig­ned to pro­vi­de conci­se and up-to-date infor­ma­tion, sup­por­ting your discus­sions about Oulu.

More Infor­ma­tion about Oulu

For assis­tance with using the Oulu brand, refer to the City of Oulu’s Brand Gui­de­li­nes (opens in a new tab).

You can down­load the Oulu logos from the city’s media bank (opens in a new tab).

Inte­res­ted in col­la­bo­ra­ting with Oulu? Sub­mit your request through the Media Col­la­bo­ra­tion page for more details.