
People photographed biking on the sea ice, shot directly from above. The sun throws long shadows of the bikers against the ice.

Surpri­sing sights, refres­hing natu­ral des­ti­na­tions, delicious food, exhi­la­ra­ting expe­riences, and a good night’s sleep under­neath a bright, star­ry sky, if you feel like it – what more could you ask for on a holi­day? That’s right. And the des­ti­na­tion is all rea­dy and wai­ting, too: the Oulu region is at your fin­ger­tips.

The Oulu region fasci­na­tes with its varie­ty. You can easi­ly take a trip from the urban city set­ting to the sout­hern­most fell area in Fin­land or a geo­lo­gical­ly rare natu­re des­ti­na­tion sha­ped by the Ice Age. Cul­tu­re, food, music, and other thrills await you throug­hout the region that extends from ski slo­pes to the coast and the arc­hi­pe­la­go bey­ond. Wrap all this up with accom­mo­da­tion at a city hotel, a natu­re des­ti­na­tion, or a vil­la with a view, and a won­der­ful holi­day is gua­ran­teed!

The­re are also plen­ty of inte­res­ting events to catch almost any day of the year, no mat­ter if you fancy sports, cul­tu­re, his­to­ry, or music fes­ti­vals. Tra­vel­ling in Oulu can also be irre­sis­tibly res­pon­sible.

Disco­ver the brigh­test stars of Oulu

Memo­rable moments, places, and people

The eight unique loca­tions in the Oulu region offer you unfor­get­table moments around the year – through four chan­ging, genui­ne sea­sons! You can disco­ver the enti­re region and its selec­tion of delec­table expe­riences through Visi­tOu­lu.

Mies ja nainen istumassa metsän keskellä oranssin kupoliteltan edessä retkituoleilla makkaraa pienellä pallogrillillä paistaen. Taustalla puiden välissä näkyy valkoinen matkailuauto.

Poh­jo­la Rou­te is pac­ked with easi­ly acces­sible treats!

As easy as a holi­day can get: the Poh­jo­la Rou­te offers eve­ryt­hing from des­ti­na­tions to res­tau­rants and accom­mo­da­tion to acti­vi­ties. The invi­ting expe­riences of the Oulu region and its roads allow tra­vel­lers to choo­se the rou­te of their pre­fe­rence – this applies to moto­rists, fami­lies, natu­re ent­husiasts as well as tho­se favou­ring public trans­port. You can tra­vel the full length of the Poh­jo­la Rou­te or just parts of it, for get­ting in touch with beau­ti­ful natu­re and a mul­ti­tu­de of things to see.

Pikisaari bridge and Oulu Theatre in the summer evening

Succeed with OCB

Oulu Con­ven­tion Bureau (OCB) is the official con­fe­rence office of the city of Oulu. They are a free-of-char­ge, inde­pen­dent expert rea­dy to help you arran­ge a success­ful event. The event orga­ni­ser is res­pon­sible for the actual arran­ge­ments, but Oulu Con­ven­tion Bureau pro­vi­des assis­tance with their ser­vices, compre­hen­si­ve know­led­ge of Oulu as a con­fe­rence, congress and event des­ti­na­tion, and the con­nec­tions of a network of ser­vice pro­vi­ders and the city orga­ni­sa­tion. 

An abso­lu­te must for a res­pon­sible tra­vel­ler in Oulu is to ride around by bike. After all, Oulu is a world-famous cycling city – even entit­led the win­ter cycling capi­tal of the world by some. So, act like a local and ride a bike, even a ren­tal one.