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Chempo­lis Oy announces new own­er­ship and trans­fer of For­tum Bio2X

Chempo­lis Oy, a leader in biore­fin­ing tech­nolo­gies, has announced two major mile­stones. AM Green, a pro­duc­er of green hydro­gen and ammo­nia, will acquire a major­i­ty stake in Chempo­lis, includ­ing its sub­sidiary Chempo­lis India Pri­vate Lim­it­ed. Addi­tion­al­ly, For­tum Oyj will trans­fer its biobased solu­tions busi­ness, Bio2X, to Chempo­lis, fol­low­ing Fortum’s strate­gic shift in 2023.

AM Green focus­es on pro­duc­ing green mol­e­cules to decar­bonize hard-to-abate indus­tries and aims to be a cost-com­pet­i­tive leader in this field. The ven­ture is indi­rect­ly whol­ly owned by the founders of Greenko Group, one of India’s lead­ing renew­able ener­gy com­pa­nies and a major glob­al play­er focus­ing on clean ener­gy solu­tions.

The trans­fer of For­tum Bio2X marks the cul­mi­na­tion of a long-term col­lab­o­ra­tion, inte­grat­ing Bio2X’s exper­tise with Chempo­lis’ tech­nolo­gies. This move strength­ens Chempo­lis’ strate­gic capa­bil­i­ties and mar­ket posi­tion. Chempo­lis has sig­nif­i­cant projects in India and Fin­land, includ­ing the world’s first bam­boo-based biore­fin­ery and a col­lab­o­ra­tion with Nord­Fu­el. The com­pa­ny also has promis­ing projects in Asia, Europe, and the Amer­i­c­as.

Chempo­lis in brief

Chempo­lis’ formico®-technologies enable the pro­duc­tion of high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts, such as bioethanol, bio­chem­i­cals and sul­fur-free lignin, sus­tain­ably out of lig­no­cel­lu­losic feed­stocks. The process uti­lizes an exten­sive range of lig­no­cel­lu­losic bio­mass­es in a flex­i­ble man­ner, with high mate­r­i­al effi­cien­cy. The biore­fin­ing process­es of Chempo­lis are designed to min­i­mize neg­a­tive envi­ron­men­tal impacts and max­i­mize social ben­e­fits glob­al­ly. Chempo­lis’ ser­vices entail biore­fin­ery project devel­op­ment, tech­nol­o­gy licens­ing, project and appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment. The com­pa­ny also offers biore­fin­ery pilot­ing ser­vices.

Source: Chempo­lis

Read more about Chempo­lis and release in their web­site.