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Oulu Port Green Tran­si­tion Indus­tri­al Area — The reg­is­tra­tion pro­ce­dure is now ongo­ing for oper­a­tors inter­est­ed in the area

Oulu, with Finland’s sec­ond busiest air­port and largest gen­er­al port in the Both­n­ian Bay is a junc­tion for sea, rail­road, and road traf­fic. It is the most impor­tant com­mer­cial, logis­tic, and cul­tur­al hub of Arc­tic Europe and the gate­way to Arc­tic Europe regions. The avail­abil­i­ty of skilled work­force, sta­tus as a high-tech hotspot, excel­lent con­nec­tiv­i­ty and increas­ing pop­u­la­tion pro­vide an excel­lent plat­form for new invest­ments.

Now, great invest­ment pos­si­bil­i­ties in the Port of Oulu area are aris­ing. A new indus­tri­al site, Oulu Port Green Tran­si­tion Indus­tri­al Area, from 40 ha up to 200 ha is under devel­op­ment pro­vid­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for sus­tain­able, green tran­si­tion indus­try such as hydro­gen econ­o­my.

The city of Oulu is cur­rent­ly look­ing for poten­tial investors to be locat­ed in the new Oulu Port Green Tran­si­tion Indus­tri­al Area.

Key ben­e­fits of the area

Loca­tion of the indus­tri­al site at the Port of Oulu pro­vides excel­lent con­nec­tiv­i­ty, effi­cient trans­porta­tion options, and access to cut­ting-edge dig­i­tal solu­tions. Nuot­tasaari, which is in close prox­im­i­ty of Oulu port green tran­si­tion indus­tri­al site, hosts sev­er­al indus­tri­al play­ers, pro­vid­ing good oppor­tu­ni­ties for syn­er­gies. Key enti­ties in the area include Sto­ra Enso’s Oulu fac­to­ries where large amounts of bio­genic CO2 is pro­duced.

Oulu Port green tran­si­tion indus­tri­al site lever­ages the pos­si­bil­i­ties brought by clean ener­gy. In Oulu there’s already exist­ing low-emis­sion ener­gy sys­tem and infra­struc­ture, high onshore wind pro­duc­tion and even high­er onshore and off­shore wind poten­tial, and emerg­ing solar pow­er. Plans to expand ener­gy infra­struc­ture to the new Oulu port green tran­si­tion indus­tri­al site pro­vide good pos­si­bil­i­ties for ener­gy inten­sive invest­ment. Exten­sive dis­trict heat­ing net­work pro­vides pos­si­bil­i­ties to uti­lize excess heat from indus­tri­al process­es.

The Nordic Hydro­gen Route, an ini­tia­tive to build up cross-bor­der hydro­gen infra­struc­ture in Both­n­ian Bay region, will also pro­vide excel­lent added val­ue to the hydro­gen econ­o­my invest­ments in Oulu port green tran­si­tion indus­tri­al site. The pipeline is planned to go through Oulu and will open up hydro­gen mar­ket by 2030.

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