Turn­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion into a cor­ner­stone for our sus­tain­able future

CleantechOulu is an ini­tia­tive-dri­ving part­ner­ship net­work of green tran­si­tion doers in the Arc­tic region.

CleantechOulu brings togeth­er north­ern peo­ple, com­pa­nies, and pub­lic stake­hold­ers (pub­lic-pri­vate-peo­ple-part­ner­ship) to cre­ate inno­va­tions and sus­tain­able growth col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly. We believe in diver­si­ty and serendip­i­ty, and togeth­er we can pro­duce more added val­ue than any sin­gle, sep­a­rate body.

Please look at our activ­i­ties and join the green wave of the North!

Going on right now in cleantech!

North­ern Pow­er 13th FEB 2025

3rd edi­tion of North­ern Pow­er will focus pre­sent­ing the bright­est Nordic hydro­gen projects and learn­ings of the real life hydro­gen cas­es in Arc­tic Nordics. We will show­case TOP-10 hydro­gen projects from the Nordic coun­tries, projects in Port of Oulu, Pyyryväi­nen, Laani­la, Kemi, Tornio, Simo, Vaala, Uta­järvi, Haa­pavesi, Nordic Hydro­gen Route etc. To under­stand how the glob­al hydro­gen mar­kets are evolv­ing we are shar­ing the most up-to-date greet­ings from inter­na­tion­al lead­ing hydro­gen experts across the hydro­gen val­ue chain.

North­ern Pow­er will bring togeth­er hun­dreds of inter­na­tion­al indus­try lead­ers, inno­va­tors, researchers and pol­i­cy­mak­ers to dis­cuss the future of hydro­gen ener­gy in the Nordic region. North­ern Pow­er busi­ness forum is part of the Nordic Hydro­gen Week 11.–13.2.2025.