The Re-Education of Bev Adero

Hi. My name is Adero. I am an afro-millennial designer from Kenya. I currently serve as an ambassador for International House Oulu.
”Turn and face the strange changes.”
David Bowie
When I moved to Oulu in 2021, I decided to transition careers from construction to communications.
Oulu is well known for being an excellent city for education and is bustling with career development opportunities.
What follows is a roadmap of the opportunities here in Oulu that have facilitated my career change.
- Kotoutumiskoulutus
Skills {Telecommuting | Active Listening | Programming}
I came to know about integration training from a TE services coach a.k.a. “oma valmentaja”. I carried out my integration training at Arffman. My studies took place online. They were based on the contact teaching model. I trained alongside international talent located all over Finland. Although learning a new language is challenging, my lessons were engaging, so I learnt quickly.
The course work included a language internship a.k.a. “työharjoittelu” which I executed at an elementary school in Ii. My time was spent job-shadowing a resource teacher. Not only did I get to experience the world-renowned Finnish education system first hand, but I also developed my teaching skills. Additionally, I sampled Finnish cuisine via school lunches. A distinct characteristic was the provision of vegan and vegetarian alternatives.
One of the perks of integration school is having access to information and resources for professional growth. With support from a teacher I became an actor in the Villa Victor mentorship programme. Together with my mentor, I assessed my interests and identified my transferable skills. At the same time, I was able to narrow down my focus to software development.
Once integration training was over, I found a career coach with whose guidance I began the Diginikkarit työkokeilu at BusinessAsema. It was a part-time hybrid position. My Finnish language speaking skill level was low therefore I mostly listened. I received an introduction to the basics of programming. I got exposed to the software development industry in Oulu and learnt about the local ICT job opportunities.
I participated in 3D printing and laser cutting at FabLab where I picked up the ”safety first” laboratory culture. I even experimented with CAD (computer aided design) software. When my work-tryout a.k.a. “työkokeilu” concluded, I followed yet another lead from my career coach and continued on to TUVA.
”Tip For those undergoing mentorship: Open yourself to receiving feedback.”

- Tutkintokoulutukseen valmentava koulutus
Skills {Experimentation | Strategic Thinking | Sustainability}
Oulu is the cycling capital of Finland. It boasts approximately 165 km of well-maintained bicycle lanes. This infrastructure enabled me to cycle to OSAO while I attended TUVA. Here, I pivoted from learning Finnish to learning in Finnish. The surprising option of self-directed studies made it possible for me to tailor my lessons in accordance with my goals.
The ICT field is vast. After my työkokeilu, I was sold on software development but still needed to zero in on a specialisation that suited my existing skills. In conjunction with a teacher, I designed a study path directed towards this target.
Finnish culture is centred around closeness to nature and I studied actionable ways to conserve it in my sustainable development class. I kept my creativity alive by attending art lessons. On one occasion, I sat in on a game development class. I was instantly hooked and realised that I wanted to pursue game development further.
A core memory for me is the trips we took. They gave me the chance to explore Oulu. Oulu is unique in that it offers urban cultural experiences alongside breathtaking nature. I love visiting museums for creative inspiration. For this reason, our trip to Pohjois-Pohjanmaa museum was close to my heart. My favourite painting was Oulun palo by Hemmu Kesti. I was surprised to learn just how many times Oulu has burnt down! We also visited Koitelinkoski where I developed an appreciation for the outdoors.
Tip For those in TUVA: Challenge yourself to try new things.
- Polkuopinnot
Skills {Fortitude | Collaboration | Entrepreneurial Thinking}
I discovered OAMK’s polkuopinnot during my time at TUVA. I went on to spend an academic year as a pathway studies student. My field of study was Information and Communications Technology (Bachelor of Engineering). It was a hybrid setup. I went to my onsite lectures by bus. It was a safe and comfortable commute, even in the winter. My first impression of OAMK was of an egalitarian community. Interactions between students and staff were informal in nature with little to no hierarchy. The biggest challenge I faced was my low Finnish language skill level.
I particularly enjoyed studying the foundations of social media. What I thought would be a lesson in content creation turned out to be a lesson in media literacy. While working on a group project where we built a Speden Spelit game console, I acquired a new interest in electronics. Although I have grown accustomed to working independently over the years, the study group model of work made me more comfortable with collaboration.
In order to diversify my expertise while networking with like-minded individuals, I joined the Oulu Entrepreneurship Society. I enrolled on the board as a designer and had my first encounter with volunteering. Unimove provided a means for me to indulge my hobby of dancing. I explored different genres of dance including reggaeton and hip hop. Occasionally, I partied with my classmates. The nightlife scene in Oulu is unexpectedly lively.
While I benefited greatly from my time at OAMK, I did not have what it took to continue my studies.
Tip For those navigating Pathway Studies: Trust yourself.

Salla Ikonen, Kuusisaaren puisto (Aliisa Ojamaa, 2024)
So, what next?
First, I am taking a breather to recover. After that I need to upskill.
I wish to gain a deeper understanding of Finnish language structures.
Furthermore, I aspire to develop academic writing, reading, speaking and interaction skills.
Once I am confident in these areas I intend to give college another try.
“And if at first you don’t succeed, then dust yourself off and try again.”

Ajankulku by Sanna Koivisto, Maria Silfvanin puisto (Aliisa Ojamaa, 2024)
Main picture: Salla Ikonen, Kuusisaaren puisto (Pekka Rusanen, 2024)