News and events

From First Snow­fall to Finnish Sauna: Khadi­ja’s Adven­tures in Oulu

Khadija Akter, a 29-year-old from Bangladesh, shares her journey of adapting to life in Oulu, Finland. Through networking and participating in various events, Khadija has been building a new life and career in Oulu.

Ben Tardif’s Jour­ney with Kär­pät and New Life in Oulu – “A Safe and Con­ve­nient City”

Ben Tardif is a 25-year-old Canadian playing for the Kärpät ice hockey team. Watch our video for Ben's inspiring story.

Con­nect and Play: Net­work­ing and Board Games Night

Welcome to a relaxed networking and board games event at International House Oulu.

Engi­neer Chris­t­ian Padil­la’s Jour­ney: “Oulu Changed My Life”

Meet Christian, an Ecuadorian software engineer, as he shares his experience of living, studying, and working in Oulu, Finland.

The Oulu Effect: How Varghese’s Fam­i­ly Found Their Finnish Rhythm

Jose Varghese's story is a testament to the rewarding life that awaits those willing to embrace the challenges and opportunities of relocating to this Nordic paradise.

Escape the Win­ter Blues at Net­work­ing Event

Join us for a cozy evening of board games and connection at International House Oulu.

“Wel­come Home”: Finland’s 6 largest cities invite recent arrivals to use inte­gra­tion ser­vices

The six largest cities of Finland have come together to create a warm-hearted campaign to encourage new international residents to use the cities’ many helpful services for newcomers.

Open posi­tion: Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Trainee at Inter­na­tion­al House Oulu

Are you interested in a communications trainee position at International House Oulu? Join our team and gain valuable experience.

Join Us for Career Gate­ways – Oulu ICT Sec­tor Event

We are excited to invite ICT talents, searching for new opportunities to our event, Career Gateways – Oulu ICT Sector.

Oulu Wel­comes Inter­na­tion­al Tal­ent: Suc­cess at Career Event

The "Explore Study and Career Opportunities in Oulu" event held at Technopolis on January 14th was a resounding success.

The First Net­work­ing and Board Games Event of 2025

Let's kick off 2025 with new & old friends at our first networking and board game night of the year!

Explore Study and Career Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Oulu – Join Us on Jan­u­ary 14th

If you're considering a career change, further education, or Finnish language studies, this event is for you!