MegaMatchmaking is almost here – How to get the most out of one of Finland’s biggest recruitment events?

First, check out the companies and exhibitors listed on the event website.
Get ready
Focus on the ones you’re most interested in and visit their websites for more details. Update your CV, take it with you, and think about how you’ll present yourself to the companies that catch your attention at the fair.
You can arrive with a free bus ride from the city centre
On September 25th, a free shuttle bus will provide nonstop service between Torinranta and Tullisali from the city center for the duration of MegaMatchmaking. The bus will start from Kaarlenväylä in Torinranta.
Don’t be afraid to talk to employers
With thorough preparation, approaching employers becomes easier. Keep in mind that employers are there to connect with talented job seekers.
Visit the Career Café
You get to talk to experts about different topics, such as career choices, job seeking abroad and for foreigners about job seeking in Finland, training counselling, career guidance, entrepreneurship and start-up grants, as well as services for immigrants.
Take advantage of the opportunity to have a professional photo on your CV
There will also be a CV photo booth where job seekers can get a professional photo for their CV free of charge.
Attend interesting speeches on the programme stage
Anna Perho will be the main speaker, with additional presenters listed on the event website.
- MegaMatchmaking recruitment event
- Time: Wed 25.9.2024 at 9.00–15.00
- Place: Oulun Tullisali, Tyrnäväntie 16
- Program and exhibitors:
The event is hosted by BusinessOulu and the Northern Ostrobothnia TE Office.
Attendance is free for all, and no prior registration is required.