Arctic AI Union Data-Act

Sepänkatu 20, Technopolis lobby

Date: 18th September 2024

Time: 8:30 – 10:00

Arctic AI Union Data-Act

What is the Arctic AI Network?
The Arctic AI Network is an active and open community of actors from the Oulu region. It is developed and upkept by BusinessOulu’s ICTOulu team. We are interested in AI technology and its various applications; we want to learn more and find new ways to increase efficiency and productivity through the new application possibilities of AI across different sectors. The Arctic AI Network in Oulu consists of company representatives, technology developers, academics, and individuals generally interested in the phenomenon. Our community is informal and operates with a low threshold. The main activities are network meetings over breakfast, each with a specific theme. We started these events in 2023 and have found a growing audience and community within the local area for our activities around this interesting and inspiring theme.

Topics of the meeting:
Our next meeting will focus on data, particularly the upcoming European Union Data Act. The Data Act is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that opens a new market for utilizing data in training advanced algorithms by creating a channel to industrial data flows within the European Union. This is a significant opportunity for our northern developer companies as well. Come and hear an informative presentation on the topic and participate in the discussion on how we can be at the forefront of this development


8 – 8:30 breakfast

8:30 Opening words Jussi Leponiemi

8:40 Traficom, Päivi Karkkola

9:10 “From Data to Euros with AI & Software: Opportunities in the EU Data Act”. Prof. Markku Oivo, Distinguished Advisor, Dimecc Oy

9:30 Siili Oy, Jarmo Levo Principal Consultant

10:00 Questions and discussion + ending words from Jussi Leponiemi
