
We provide effective services for both network members and external stakeholders looking to link up with Oulu ICT field in different ways. Find out more about these services below.


We collect data from the field and refine it for you. Whether you’re looking for information on a specific ICT technology, company, research partner, operating environment, availability of new talents or the ecosystem itself, we deliver the right information to aid your decision-making. We also inform our network members about your company, resources, and aims.

Network and connections

Knowledge of the ecosystem and member portfolios form the very core of our services. We know the entire region and can introduce you to the key people from Oulu, such as local government officials and private companies, research institutions and universities. We will help you access BusinessOulu’s own wide selection of business boosting services.

We also have our network of reliable partners, and their service portfolios are available to provide quality business services for you. When you land in Oulu, we will introduce you to the ecosystem’s key players, either virtually or face to face. When you’re ready to set up a unit, start a business or commence a research and development project in Oulu, we’ll support you, ensuring smooth progress. There are several international partners scanning Oulu’s ICT sector constantly in a search for business and project partners. By joining into our network, you’ll also be included in the responses for these inquiries.


Oulu is known for its high quality ICT industry covering a large scale of research, development, and innovation activities. We are happy to help you identify existing growth possibilities for your business. The Oulu ICT industry offers many platforms for scaling new solutions and technological applications. We have collaborative laboratories and facilities of co-innovation, testing and validating. The most important resource for generating opportunities are the people. The technological level of ambitiousness is high with the local talent, and it makes a difference. Contact us and we will share more insights with you.

ICTOulu membership benefits

ICTOulu is a joint network of Oulu-based ICT companies. The ICTOulu service portal is a significant benefit to the members joining the network. The service portal is actively promoted and utilized when various stakeholders, from talents to venture capital actors, from research partner seekers to invest-in players, scan for potential companies for immediate contact. BusinessOulu’s ICT-team and other local facilitators are using the portal to present the local network and its members for a variety of networks. ICTOulu team will share relevant local, national, and general information that is specific technology-wise. With regards of your company’s technological focuses, you’ll also have an easy access to topical local news and activities available locally.

The team will also facilitate different kinds of activities that include info-sessions on selected topics such as financing, governmental and EU-level projects, and joint initiatives on specific themes of technology. We also appreciate the value of local technology-specific networks and will facilitate the development of close relationships locally – there is a good chance these connections will benefit your business! We will also undertake a variety of activities based on the requests of our members. One ongoing theme of activity is the support services of recruitment. We have a handful of ICT-sector specific support activities, such as technology specific pitches and delegation trips, and other services that we can perform in cooperation with you – free of charge! And this is not all – so contact us and join the network!

Access to funding

We will help you connect with the relevant public financing entities such as Business Finland, ELY, Finnvera, and project funding. We can also help you get acquainted with the right private financing network. If you are a startup registered here in Finland and are looking for growth capital, we’d be happy to link you with potential stakeholders for more in-depth processes.

Contact persons for BusinessOulu Financing Services

Export support services

Oulu ICT sector has always been oriented to exports. ICTOulu will support the local ICT industry with targeted activities promoting export. We have an ongoing close cooperation with Business Finland and other stakeholders involved in promoting Finland’s exports. We can help you identify the target market partner and local facilitators for business development. There are also BusinessOulu staff members placed in various locations – for your help. Our goal is to increase and develop Oulu ICT sector exports and to enable the growth of international networks boosting business.

More information and the contact persons on Export Services

Office spaces

It might be enough for a software entrepreneur just starting up to have their workspace in their own home, but many are looking for space and community outside of their homes. For some business ideas, it is crucial to have the premises near partners and ecosystem members to keep those ideas flowing. We are happy to help you identify available office premises in various technology hubs around Oulu – based on your requirements. City of Oulu has also free premises and plots easily processable for new investments.

More information and the contact person on Real Estate Business

Find out about other Business Boosting Services of BusinessOulu