
ICTOulu sign

We get to take part in several events in order to showcase the ICT ecosystem we have here in Oulu. From recruitment events and fairs to workshops, our calendar is varied. Scroll below to see all of our upcoming events – we hope to see you there!

Please note that these events are subject to change.

29th August 2024: Kilpailukykyä datasta

Location:  Pohjankartanonsali, Pohjankartanon koulu, Leevi Madetojankatu 1, Oulu

Time: 8.30-15.00

Datatalous kasvaa muita toimialoja nopeammin ja luo kiihtyvällä vauhdilla yrityksille uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia. Kilpailukykyä datasta -projektissa luomme yhteyksiä toimijoiden välille ja parannamme datan jakamisen ja hyödyntämisen mahdollisuuksia sekä tarjoamme siihen työkaluja.

6th – 10th September 2024: IFA Berlin | Germany

IFA is the largest consumer electronics and home appliances exhibition in the world and this year this 4-day event is taking place at Messe Berlin, Germany.

ICT-Oulu will take 4 companies to Oulu’s own stand at the fair.

18th September 2024: Arctic AI Union Data-Act

Location:  Sepänkatu 20, Technopolis lobby

Time: 8.30 – 10.00

The Arctic AI Network, maintained by BusinessOulu’s ICTOulu team, is a growing community in Oulu interested in exploring AI applications across sectors.The next meeting will focus on the upcoming European Union Data Act, a significant opportunity for our northern developer companies to utilize data in training advanced algorithms.

3rd October 2024: The Rails Ahead – Metaverse event | Oulu

Location:  Maikkulan kartano

Time: 8.30 – 15:00

The Finnish Metaverse Initiative brings you AI powered Metaverse 0.2!

The Rails Ahead- metaverse event showcases leading companies plans for the future of the Metaverse, cutting edge demos from Finnish and international innovators, inspiring keynotes and ground breaking research, networking with industry leaders and uniting the brightest minds to create new export business!

10th October 2024: FutureTech | Oulu

Location: Tullisali | Tyrnäväntie 16, 90400 Oulu

Time: 8.30 – 14:00

FutureTech Oulu -tapahtuma kokoaa yhteen Pohjois-Suomen elinkeinoelämää, tutkijoita ja päättäjiä. Maksuton tapahtuma keskittyy tekoälyyn ja kyberturvallisuuteen, ja se tarjoaa inspiroivan ja tiedontäyteisen areenan, jossa eri sektoreiden yritysten ja organisaatioiden edustajat voivat oppia, verkostoitua ja saada käytännön neuvoja näissä teemoissa.

10th October 2024: Kauppakamari Octoberfest | Oulu

Location: Sepänkatu 20, 90100 Oulu

Oktoberfest is an excellent opportunity to make new contacts and expand your professional network – all while enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of Oktoberfest. The program features an engaging networking game designed to break the ice and encourage interaction between participants. In addition, we enjoy serving an Oktoberfest-themed buffet table. We encourage participants to dress according to the theme. Whether you choose the perfect Oktoberfest outfit or just add some Bavarian-inspired elements to your outfit, the choice is yours. The best outfit will be awarded!

29th October 2024: 6G Components Day, Chips from Very North | Oulu

Location: Sepänkatu 20, 90100 Oulu

Time: 12:00 – 16:00

Puolijohde- ja mikroelektroniikan sektori Oulussa

Oulussa on Suomen merkittävin tutkimus- ja teollisuuskeskittymä radioläheisen siru- ja mikroelektroniikan komponenttien suunnittelun sekä digitaalisten järjestelmäpiirien osaamisessa ja näihin liittyvien firmware-ohjelmistojen kehittämisessä. Suuntaa kompasissi pohjoiseen ja tule mukaan kuulemaan ja verkostoitumaan mikroelektroniikan tiimoilta!

6th – 7th November 2024: FinDrones | Oulu

Location: Hotelli Lasaretti, Kasarmintie 13B 90130

Time: Day 1 6th of November: 10:00 -17:45

Day 2 7th of November: 8:15 – 17:00

FinDrones 2024 – Drones in Agriculture, Forestry, Safety and Logistics will be organized in Oulu, Finland on 6.-7.11.2024.

5th – 7th November 2024: Smart City Expo World Congress | Barcelona

Smart City Expo World Congress is the world’s largest and most influential event for cities and urban innovation. Every year, they bring together leaders from global companies, governments and organizations to move cities towards a better future.

3rd -6th March 2025: MWC GSMA Barcelona | Spain

MWC Barcelona is the largest and the most impactful event for the connectivity ecosystem. They are partnering with many giants of the technology industry to bring you the most unforgettable experience.

During this 3-day event, companies have the opportunity to network with thousands of industry decision-makers and listen to aspiring stories of cutting-edge technology developers and do so much more!

11th – 13th March 2025: ARCtic Conference


Location: Oulu, Finland

One day of workshops, two days of tech-talks, memories made every evening.

Learn about the latest trends, best practices, and strategies for developing apps in Swift across Apple’s platforms.