Chips from Very North

Shaping tomorrow with chips design and 6G

At 12:00 – 16:00
Sepänkatu 20

Chips from Very North – Oulu

From the compass, head really north!

Oulu is Finland’s most significant research and industrial cluster in the design of radio-specific chip and microelectronics components, digital system circuits and the development of related firmware software.

The University of Oulu has a specialized microelectronics research group that focuses on materials, manufacturing processes, and applications. The university also has a Centre of Excellence in Information and Communication Technology, 6G Flagship, which studies radio technologies. Its main focus is on RF (Radio frequency) in the study of components, antennas and circuit design. The university has created circuits and is developing the microelectronics needed in 6G technology in various projects. 6G technology requires considerable development at the component level, and nearly 200 people are conducting this research in Oulu.

At the event, we will review the national chips strategy (EU Chips Act) and Finland’s priorities related to it. We recognise considerable potential in the concrete initiatives of the EU Chips Act, which are being implemented through various programmes, such as the pilot line development of the Joint Undertaking programme and future calls for funding. Now is the time to put the plans into practice and start generating genuine added value and business!

The purpose of the event is to bring together different parties in the microelectronics ecosystem, with a special focus on companies in the sector.

The event also includes a networking evening for those interested in a cocktail event at the same address (Sepänkatu 20). Please register for this event via a separate registration link by selecting “Sign up for the networking event”.


12:00 Lunch

13:00 Opening remarks + stakeholder greetings (Business Oulu, Business Finland, Business Tampere/FiCCC, VTT, Photonics Finland)

13:30 University of Oulu and MEF “Microelectronics research and education in Oulu”

14:10 Keynote Telecom Fuelling the Semiconductor Industry

Veijo Kontas System district manager, Nokia

14:40 Break

14:55 Business success stories

15:25 Panel discussion

16:10 Closing remarks and discussion

16:30 End of the event + orientation to the evening event

Register for the event

You can register for the event and the evening’s networking event via separate links:

Register for the networking evening