Nive Information Technology

Your need, our solution.
Nive Information Technology is an IT company from Oulu. We develop mobile enterprise information management solutions and provide professional services in Project Management (certified PMP), IT Solution development, M-Files technology, Chief Information Officer (CIO) as service, and Trainer/Change Management areas.
We have developed an M-Files integrable observation reporting application called Nive Notis. When fieldwork is a critical part of your business, it is important to extend digitalization to support the daily work of mobile workers in the field. With the Nive Notis mobile application you can easily, securely and instantly report important observations and reports with location data included from the observation site directly to the company's information management system, where the information is immediately ready for further processing.
The mobile application seamlessly integrates with the M-Files enterprise information management system enabling the immediate further processing of the observation in the Windows user interface. Findings can be automatically assigned to a person responsible based on, for example, location information or notification type, utilizing different M-Files workflows.
Company nameNive Information Technology
Website 2
Contact personPekka Korpela (Founder & Managing Director)