Pesti – career day event was held 19th of January 2023 at University of Oulu. It presented an opportunity for students and job-seekers to connect with recruitment professionals and 114 companies that were taking part to the fair. Pesti is organized annually at the Linnanmaa campus. The event is organised by Teekkarilupi Oy in cooperation with the Faculty of Technology and Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering.

The career day provided an excellent way of networking with the companies and their representatives. It gives the job-seekers the opportunity to strongen their career plans and get useful tips for their application process. A sea of people tarvelled trough hallways where companies were eager to showcase their opportunities. The atmosphere was truly cheerful with both, companies and the fair-visitors. This kind of energy rarely happens at this volume. The most of the companies were technology based and the theme of sustainability was strongly presented.