Solita Oy
Creating impact that lasts
With over 1,500 professionals in 6 countries, Solita is a digital transformation company that specializes in software development, data, AI & analytics, cloud services, strategic consulting and service design.
Founded in 1996, we help businesses and societies reinvent themselves with impact that lasts.
Our services range from strategic consulting to service design, software development, data, AI & analytics, and managed cloud services. We are a community of over 1,500 passionate professionals in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Belgium and Germany.
We want to create impact that lasts, and we have the tech, the data and the insight to do that. Our community of experts works together with you to help design and build not just any future, but the future we all need.
Solita has grown consistently, profitably and responsibly for over 25 years. We are committed to diversity and gender equality, environmental sustainability, and responsible business.
Our customers include a wide portfolio of respected and forward-looking companies and organizations, such as the City of Oulu, S Group, DNA, Kone, Ponsse, Fingrid, Finnish Customs, Fintraffic, and UPM Kymmene. Please see more information on our website at
Solita in a nutshell in Finnish:
Vuonna 1996 perustettu Solita on suomalainen teknologia-, data- ja designyritys. Valjastamme ihmisymmärryksen ja älykkäät teknologiaratkaisut palvelemaan parempaa elämää. Olemme muutosvoima, joka luo uusia toimintatapoja, palveluja ja teknologiaratkaisuja uudistaen yrityksiä ja yhteiskuntaa. Työllistämme yli 1500 strategisen konsultoinnin, palvelumuotoilun, ohjelmistokehityksen, data-, AI- ja analytiikkaratkaisujen sekä pilvipalvelujen asiantuntijaa Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Tanskassa, Virossa, Saksassa ja Belgiassa.
Company nameSolita Oy
Website 2
Contact personTiina Hynninen-Lahdenperä (Director, Development)
Phone+358 40 745 6693