ICTOulu portal gathers together companies of Oulu region technology field, events and news. We publish articles about companies’ own happenings and interviews (if you want to appear in our portal, send us email!).
ICTOulu portal is already widely followed and in Linked In we have gathered together a big community. So it is true, that everything published is also seen by companies, professionals and other stakeholders. Here is a couple of ideas, how you can utilize our portal for the progress of your own project.
1. Getting contacts from other companies
We have had a lot of positive feedback, how our portal helps companies to find connections for cooperation. In the portal, you can search companies under surtain topics. You can find up-to-date list of technologies, industries or other relevant focus points used to categorize Oulu-based ICT-companies. The portal can be used for finding and also to be found by stakeholders! With no stings attached you can go logg your company in as a member of ICTOulu.
2. Making your company visible for stakeholders!
As said, being an ICTOulu member makes you pop up in searches, when the people interested about your field use the portal. The professional work-force, potential clients, cooperative companies, audience and students find you immediately under the heading of suitable topic. Visibility grows the possibilities and widens the range of ideas that are presented to your company.
3. Getting the most professional, motivated, passionate workforce to reach out to you.
It is a fact that we have challenges to get the needed workforce for different technology fields. There are more jobs than there is people coming in. From student’s and job seekers’ point of view, it can feel overwhelming to try and search for companies one by one. As a connoisseur of the ICT-field we bring a solution for that and a portal that gathers all of them together with different options to section companies under topics and niches! What ever a person’s specialty of profession might be, the ICTOulu portal will provide an easy way to find the companies that suits one the best. So it is again very important, that your company will be visible in the site.
4. Staying informed about what is new in Oulu’s ICT-cluster.
Following our portal and social media site will give you good view over the ICT-scene of Oulu. Also you can present the news of your own company to others. The numbers of our following and memberships are growing fast, so don’t hesitate to utilize this opportunity.
5. Have the resources for strenghtening your presentations for clients and stakeholders.
We also have had feedback how the services of our portal’s download hub have served as good material for presenting your company to clients, and strenghtening your image as a reliable northern provider of goods. From the portal you can download dias for presentations that gives for example your client a good view of why one should choose a company from Oulu region and why our ICT-sector is the most strong and professional one. And widely aknowledged internationally too.