ICTOulu and Sitra hosted ‘Kilpailukykyä datasta’ – an event that presented talks, case studies and enlightening discussions about all things data economy at Pohjankartanon Koulu’s Pohjankartanon Sali.
This all-day program covered some timely themes. Data, and the effective use of it, has emerged as a key talking point within the world of business over the last few years. Some people have asked whether it has become the ‘new oil’ – a valuable commodity in economies of the future. Nonetheless, there is no doubting that it can lead to the creation of fresh innovations for a whole bunch of different industries.

One of the goals of this event in particular was to share tools and methodologies that companies can utilise for implementing and sharing data. Following an introductory overview from BusinessOulu’s Jussi Leponiemi, Key Account Director (ICT), Tarmo Toikkanen, Leading Specialist from Sitra, was able to guide attendees through a general steering model, in addition to resources currently available for businesses to use. Additionally, Henna Suomi, COO of IOXIO, used a case study of a collaborative project with SIX Mobile Work Machines that illustrated how using the Digital Product Passport enhances the product lifecycle and leads to sustainable operations.
The morning’s conversations had an emphasis on showcasing what is being done in Oulu currently to foster creative solutions in this field. From an academic perspective, we heard from representatives from VTT (Erkki Siira, Senior Scientist, on Oulu Data Spaces), OAMK (Ilpo Virtanen, Principal Lecturer, on education and project work) and the University of Oulu (Lauri Tuovinen, Postdoctoral Researcher, on the role of data management in modern businesses).
The afternoon was more focused on how data and health can co-exist, shining a light on some of the exciting project work being currently implemented. From BusinessOulu’s perspective, Jenni Konttila, OuluHealth Development Manager at BusinessOulu, presented DiKi-hanke as a promoter of integrational interfaces. There were also presentations from two professionals at the University of Oulu; Jarmo Pääkkönen, Project Coordinator, discussed the opportunities enabled by the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), whilst Timo Liimatainen, Adjunct Professor, talked about Mittlab, which can provide high-resolution imaging services for companies.

This was also an event full of case studies from companies and organisations such as Alvidiotech (Jason Brower, AI Software Developer), Business Finland (Arto Pussinen, Senior Director, Ecosystems Digitalisation), Louhe (Tero Takalo, Chief Deployment Officer), Nutri-Flow (Esko Juuso, Managing Director), Sitra (Meeri Toivanen, Specialist, Fair Data Economy) and Topcon (Anssi Ylimaula, Managing Director). All of these presentations showcased diverse and dynamic methodologies and solutions that emphasised how to effectively utilise data.
We would like to say thanks to everyone that spoke at this event, as well as those who attended! The rest of this autumn is packed full of illuminating conferences, networking opportunities, seminars and much more from the ICTOulu Team. Click on the button below for more details.