At first, we’ll add-bomb this article by announcing our forthcoming cybersecurity-themed event in Oulu at May 30th. It is not going to be CES, but in our local scale it will be significant convention focusing on various aspects of topical cybersecurity developments and advancements. Please make room in calendars! More information about the event will be published soon!
As technology continues to advance and become increasingly complex, the demand for cybersecurity also grows. This was a hot topic at CES 2023, especially in the “Great Minds” session on “How to Build a New Cybersecurity Era?” featuring panelists Rajeev Chand from Wing Venture Capital, Jen Easterly from CISA, and George Kurtz from Crowdstrike.

The panelists emphasized that cybersecurity is crucial for human security, free speech, elections, financial markets, and more. However, the threat landscape for individuals, companies, and governments is only increasing. Unfortunately, modern technology is often built in an insecure way, leading to decades of insecure design that is still a burden on industries. For example, software is often developed “with all the possible flaws,” according to the panelists. From the business development perspective, it is not difficult to imagine the potential that lies in profiling in secure software development. Oulu’s ICT companies, any takes on this?
On a positive note, the panelists discussed the increasing role of machine learning solutions in mitigating cyber threats. This brings new opportunities for companies to manage security actively and automatically using AI and other automation tools. With the internet now flooded with fake content and data, it is essential for companies to detect anomalies in their systems and networks in order to detect potential threats in advance.

The panelists also talked about the need for transparency when it comes to the security of gadgets and software. As consumers, we should demand information about the ingredients in our food, just as we should demand data on the gadgets and software we use. According to the panelists, 70% of security issues are caused by the use of outdated coding languages like C++, which can be avoided by using newer solutions. (still noteworthy to mention that C++ is just fine for many purposes).
In conclusion, cybersecurity is a critical issue that requires attention and resources from both companies and governments. The increasing complexity of technology means that the demand for secure design and solutions will only continue to grow. By investing in machine learning and automation tools, companies can better protect themselves and their customers from cyber threats. At the same time, it is important for consumers to be informed and demand transparency from the companies they do business with.
Our take from all this is that it makes all the sense to learn and maybe shift the sw development and device design approach towards the suggested standpoint. Why? Simply, because it is a right thing to do! But also, the markets are identifying high value on that and thus it includes huge business opportunity.