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International Market Workshops concludes with ESG

Renata Balbino at the International Market Workshop, June 2024

On Monday 10th June, we were delighted to bring our series of International Market Workshops to a close with a morning event explaining ESG and why it’s important to local tech startups and scaleups.

ESG (Environmental, Societal, Government) has been a big trending topic within the industry, and the conversations surrounding the subject have intensified in particular in the last few months. This is down to a couple of key reasons. The first is that new legislation is being implemented to formalise the practice of sustainability reporting, which will eventually affect hundreds of operating tech businesses in the Oulu region. The second is that it’s becoming a priority for investors, with many believing that enterprises with solid ESG practices in place are a safer bet.

One of the difficulties that some founders might face is knowing where in the world to start on their journey towards building and maintaining rock-solid ESG credentials. Thankfully, Renata Balbina from Greenstep’s Oulu HQ delivered a fascinating and informative presentation to our audience that broke down what companies will need to do to comply with forthcoming regulations.

She also explained some of the easy wins that can be applied immediately, as well as illustrating some case studies from within the ICT sector that shone a light on some real life examples of practices that have been implemented.

Want to know more about ESG and sustainability reporting? Max Raymond, our Specialist within the ICTOulu Team, has put together a short list of useful resources that you can check out via the button below.

The International Market Workshops was a series of events that formed part of the BOIM-JoinGlobal project. The aim was, with the help of experts in their respective fields, to provide practical insights, methodologies and tools that companies could immediately implement within their international business development strategies.

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BOIM on Euroopan Unionin osarahoittama hanke, joka toteutetaan Uudistuva ja osaava Suomi 2021–2027 EU:n alue- ja rakennepolitiikan ohjelman Euroopan aluekehitysrahastosta. Hanke toteutetaan Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Liiton myöntämällä tuella, jonka erityistavoitteena on Innovatiivinen Suomi 1.3 Pk-yritysten kasvun ja kilpailukyvyn parantaminen.