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International Market Workshops continue with IPR/patents

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So, you have a knockout product or solution that you think has the potential to bring global success to your company…how do you go about protecting your innovation? That was the topic of our second International Market Workshop at BusinessAsema.

If ideas are the currency of innovation, IPR and patents can prevent copycats emerging on the market. It can be an enormously useful component for businesses to highlight in their marketing and sales materials, whilst investors are much likelier to invest in enterprises/entrepreneurs that have taken concrete and demonstrable steps to safeguard their original inventions.

Max Raymond at the International Market Workshop, April 2024
Erika Herronen at the International Market Workshop, April 2024

Our main presenter for this workshop was Erika Herronen, who is a Patent Attorney at legal company Berggren’s Oulu premises and specialises in ICT. In her expansive and wide-ranging presentation, she explained why IP is important as well as the different methodologies in terms of obtaining IPR. In addition, she described what processes are ones that founders with limited resources should prioritise and outlined some of the funding opportunities that are available to support startups and scaleups in this domain.

This was an event that really generated lots of insightful and fascinating discussions, with the audience in attendance picking up a tonne of useful information that they can take with them into their own projects.

There’s one more workshop to go in our short series, which will take place in a couple of months’ time. Keep an eye on our LinkedIn channel for further details as they are confirmed!

The International Market Workshops are a series of events that formed part of the BOIM-JoinGlobal project.

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BOIM on Euroopan Unionin osarahoittama hanke, joka toteutetaan Uudistuva ja osaava Suomi 2021–2027 EU:n alue- ja rakennepolitiikan ohjelman Euroopan aluekehitysrahastosta. Hanke toteutetaan Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Liiton myöntämällä tuella, jonka erityistavoitteena on Innovatiivinen Suomi 1.3 Pk-yritysten kasvun ja kilpailukyvyn parantaminen.