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International Market Workshops start with foundations

Kari Rintala presenting at the first International Market Workshop, February 2024

ICTOulu kicked off a short series of morning events at BusinessAsema called the International Market Workshops on Monday 19th February.

The aim of these events is to invite experts in their field to discuss and share insights on how companies can sharpen their international business development strategies, with a different topic or theme for all three. Given that this was the first in the series, it was appropriate to begin with foundations – how to turn a great local idea into something that can achieve global success. Our main speaker was Kari Rintala, who has been working in various roles within Tekes, ELY-Keskus and Business Finland since the 1990s. He now runs his own consulting company, OnGluon.

The timing of this workshop was certainly a prescient one. As the current economic circumstances means that it is a potentially more uncertain time for companies looking to grow and access funding opportunities, it has never been more important to both have the essentials in place in terms of how to operate as a business and make use of the support available from public bodies.

Drawing upon his wealth of knowledge and experience, Kari described the roots of building a great team to help develop a world-class idea into a demonstrable product or solution. He also outlined some of the processes that are important as a company grows in its early days and showcased some of the many public funding instruments that are currently available to startups and entrepreneurs working in tech.

Keep an eye on our LinkedIn channel for further details of our second workshop, which will be announced in due course!

The International Market Workshops are a series of events that formed part of the BOIM-JoinGlobal project.

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BOIM on Euroopan Unionin osarahoittama hanke, joka toteutetaan Uudistuva ja osaava Suomi 2021–2027 EU:n alue- ja rakennepolitiikan ohjelman Euroopan aluekehitysrahastosta. Hanke toteutetaan Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Liiton myöntämällä tuella, jonka erityistavoitteena on Innovatiivinen Suomi 1.3 Pk-yritysten kasvun ja kilpailukyvyn parantaminen.