At ICTOulu and the wider BusinessOulu team, we are excited about the concept of the Metaverse. It offers numerous benefits, such as enabling people to be in the same space without physical restrictions. This fosters trust and allows for deeper discussions and transactions. The Metaverse has made significant progress in recent years, and we expected to see many approaches and solutions on this topic at the MWC convention in Barcelona.

In previous stories, we explored the Metaverse from a layer perspective, starting with core technology layers and ending with user experiences that create value and increase productivity. At the MWC convention, Nokia’s new strategy was a highlight, as they aim to build and enable the Metaverse for industrial and professional use. Wireless connectivity was also discussed, with emphasis on human perception and senses. However, current networks may not meet the requirements of low latency interactions, which is crucial for the Metaverse to function. This highlights the need for 6G connections, as remotely controlled devices, machines, and vehicles will demand more from conventional capabilities.

Many demos and presentations on the Metaverse were showcased at the convention, and we received questions and opinions related to our company’s portfolios. However, in addition to discussing the development of the Metaverse, we also considered a different perspective. Will the Metaverse be dominated by well-known tech giants? The European Commission has made it clear that it will not tolerate a monopoly on this platform. The objective should be fragmented dominance, where no one holds a dominant position. It is essential to pay attention to terms and definitions and to consider whether we are witnessing the birth of a single Metaverse or multiple Metaverses.
We believe that it is crucial for everyone in the tech scene to learn about the Metaverse and explore the opportunities it may offer for their business. BusinessOulu will support this process by providing knowledge and hosting events on this topic throughout the year – stay tuned for more information!