Finnish technology industries have stated that they support the Finnish carbon neutrality target and are highlighting the crucial technologies required for the necessary climate solutions. The recently published roadmap points out that industry can utilize these technologies for urgent industrial investments, efforts in R&D, building skills and export potential for low-carbon solutions.
ICT Oulu cluster companies also have expertise in industry 4.0 and twin transition related competences. For example, robotics combined with machine vision can be utilized for the recycling of critical raw materials. Additionally, energy efficiency and renewable energy are key elements for both the optimization of industrial processes and a carbon neutral future. Combined with intelligent industry innovations and technologies, these and other solutions make the green future possible for industrial companies as well.
Industry 4.0 & Twin Transition Academy – offering intelligent industry career possibilities in Oulu
Industry 4.0 & Twin Transition Academy is a recruitment training programme that is offering a career in the cluster, as well as upskilling and reskilling related to industry 4.0 skills. Companies such as Probot and Reactive Technologies, as well as others, are partner companies of the programme. They are offering career opportunities, especially for talented individuals with engineering skills.
Saranen Consulting is the coordinator of this new programme. The funding organization for Industry 4.0 & Twin Transition Academy is North Ostrobothnia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.
Course details:
- What: A recruitment training programme offering tech careers for talented individuals, new solutions for talent attraction and finding new talents for tech and industrial companies.
- When: Marketing for the programme starts in September and the 6 month programme starts on 1st December 2022.
- Objective: Offer career opportunities in Oulu’s leading tech & digital industry companies for 15 tech talents; Raising the long term awareness nationally for tech career opportunities in ICT Oulu cluster.

Saranen Consulting is an expert in growth-producing working life, helping companies to grow and develop their digital competences. Saranen Consulting is also very experienced in recruitment training programmes, as well as upskilling and reskilling services. The office in Oulu was the first office opened outside the capital region about ten years ago.

Pauliina Harrivaara, Business Development Manager from Saranen Consulting welcomes other companies to join as well. “The Industry 4.0 & Twin Transition Academy is a great opportunity for a company to combine talent attraction activities and find future talent with the help of a recruitment training programme at the same time.
“As a short-term benefit a company has a good opportunity to find a future tech talent easily and affordably. As a long-term benefit, a company will benefit from the employer-branding actions related to the Academy’s marketing campaign. It is also our common interest to raise awareness of the great technology career opportunities in Oulu region. That is also why we are co-operating with ICTOulu cluster activities.”
Reeta Räisänen, ICTOulu Coordinator, says: “We think it is great that Saranen Consulting has introduced this brand new programme. It is so important that Oulu’s ICT cluster is able to find solutions towards the long-term goal of a carbon neutral future, which requires the hard work of skilled and motivated workers. Saranen Consulting’s experience with initiatives like this Academy means that we can be absolutely certain that they will be able to bring exciting new talent, who will receive expert training, into the sector.
For more information about the Academy, please contact Pauliina Harrivaara on 040 8297175 or email