Menox wants to create genuine encounters and bring people together

Maarit Pasanen, Petra Puolakanaho and Vesa Lehtinen met at Startup Station last autumn. Now they have their own startup.
Menox startup founders Maarit Pasanen, Petra Puolakanaho and Vesa Lehtinen met at the Startup Weekend event at BusinessAsema’s Startup Station in autumn 2023. Pasanen and Lehtinen were generally interested in the topic of entrepreneurship. Puolakanaho, on the other hand, had been thinking for some time about a business idea for a phone app that would bring together the region’s events in one place.
- The idea came out of my own need, when I went on a weekend trip to Tampere. I wanted to find events in the area easily and conveniently in one place. But there was no such thing. Fragmented event marketing means that people miss out on interesting events because they have to search for events through many different channels. Menox solves this problem by bringing one clear platform for events, says Puolakanaho.
Pasanen and Lehtinen were convinced by the idea of bringing together events in the region in a single application, and the three of them decided to take the project forward. The first step was to participate in the three-month Startup Express programme, which provides support for setting up a business. After the Startup Weekend, it felt like a natural progression.
Startup Express provides answers to questions and valuable contacts for budding entrepreneurs
Startup Express is a 100-day pre-incubator programme with a total of ten coaching sessions. The programme is open to anyone interested in start-up entrepreneurship, whether you have your own business idea or are looking to join a new team. Consisting of lectures, expert presentations and individual or team mentoring, the coaching sessions will provide participants with essential support for their first steps in start-up entrepreneurship through concrete tools.
The coaching programme culminates in a fun Demo Day, where future entrepreneurs can present their ideas to a larger audience. Of course, before that, the coaching programme has also provided lessons for a successful pitch. For Menox, the programme as a whole was useful in helping them to move forward in a concrete way.
- We got support and information on things we might not have been able to do ourselves. For example, applying for funding and trademarks were processes we were not familiar with before. In addition, the network we gained from the programme was a great help to us. We also learned a lot of new things for our working life and for the future, says Puolakanaho.
Lehtinen says that the programme was very supportive of independent work on spare time.
- The Demo Day was a particularly important turning point for us, a kind of seal of approval for that period. Until then, we had been preparing things and absorbing information, but after Demo Day we took a big step forward and started to implement things in practice. We started contacting potential customers, planning our brand, and getting the website up and running.
As far as coming participants in the programme are concerned, the Menox partners would like to encourage people to actively utilise the mentoring and peer support perspective.
- It is worthwhile talking to other participants and experts. They will give you support and inspiration, and you will think of things you would not otherwise think of.
Menox keeps going strong
Puolakanaho, Pasanen and Lehtinen are already planning the next steps. The main goal is to develop the application for publication. Its progress will largely determine the pace of the startup’s progress as a whole. The timetable for the application’s release date is still unknown.
- In addition to developing the application, we are currently looking for event organisers who want to be able to offer their events in a new way with Menox, says Pasanen.
The trio wants to modernise the marketing of events, to give people new experiences and new memories.
- Menox is about bringing people together and creating genuine encounters around shared interests. Events bring people together when they share a common interest, such as sports or music. We want to get people moving!
Third cohort of Startup Express will start next autumn
Next Startup Express programme to start in September 2024
The coaching lasts 100 days, including 10 coaching sessions
The coaching is organised by BusinessOulu and delivered by Crazy Town
You can participate with your own business idea or with the enthusiasm to join a new startup team
The programme is free and open to all those interested in startup entrepreneurship
Apply, if you are
- Startup team with an idea (pre-y-tunnus) seeking confidence, skills, and mentoring: If you have a startup idea and need support to build your confidence, skills, and access mentoring, we’re here to help.
- Individual interested in joining a startup: If you want to be part of a startup team and have a can-do attitude, we can connect you with teams actively looking for enthusiastic individuals like you.
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