
What would you say about a hotel on the Oulu­jo­ki river­bank? Two block areas suit­able for hotel con­struc­tion have been reserved in the recent Kirkkosaari area town plan. The area is in a nat­u­ral­ly beau­ti­ful loca­tion near exten­sive ser­vices and sports facil­i­ties.

The two-kilo­me­tre Kirkkosaari fit­ness track, which serves as a ski track in win­ter, pass­es close by the new hotel area. The com­pre­hen­sive ser­vices in the Ponki­la sports area (e.g. ice hall, ten­nis courts and foot­ball field) are also less than a kilo­me­tre away. Kirkkosaari also has a mari­na and beach, mak­ing the recre­ation facil­i­ties quite exten­sive.

Busi­ness trav­el in Muhos with ca. 9,000 inhab­i­tants will increase con­sid­er­ably in the com­ing years due to big projects in the area. For exam­ple, a data cen­tre park and hydro­gen plant are in town plan­ning phase for the Muhos Biopark indus­tri­al park.

Muhos is part of the unique Rokua Geop­ark tourist area, which has been grant­ed the first UNESCO Glob­al Geop­ark sta­tus in Fin­land.

The area has promi­nent char­ac­ter­is­tics for investors in Kirkkosaari, such as cen­tral loca­tion and good acces­si­bil­i­ty, invalu­able scenery by the Oulu­jo­ki riv­er and the mul­ti-pur­pose util­i­sa­tion allowed by the town plan.

The two plots in Kirkkosaari have been planned for busi­ness and accom­mo­da­tion ser­vices. The build­ing rights on the plots include 1–3 floors, 351–1,053 m² and 952–2,856 m² floor area.

Could this be an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty by the Oulu­jo­ki riv­er?

Ota yhteyt­tä:

Asseri Pitkälä

Busi­ness Man­ag­er, Muhos munic­i­pal­i­ty

+358 44 497 0006