
Apart from exist­ing ser­vices, such as the Nal­likari hol­i­day vil­lage, restau­rants, amuse­ment park and the Nal­lisport indoor sports cen­tre, the area has an almost kilo­me­tre-long beach, spa hotel and hol­i­day apart­ments. A new accom­mo­da­tion and ser­vice cen­tre is already under con­struc­tion near the beach, and an expan­sion is also in the plan­ning stage. In 2024, a new children’s amuse­ment park, new hotel, pro­gramme and well­be­ing ser­vices as well as two new restau­rants were opened in the area.

Oulu is the biggest year-round tourist city in the north and the largest urban cen­tre in Arc­tic Europe with its 200,000+ inhab­i­tants. Oulu has enjoyed the high­est pop­u­la­tion growth in 20 years among Nordic urban regions.

We are a cen­tre of tech­no­log­i­cal excel­lence and a uni­ver­si­ty and high­er edu­ca­tion city, which also has North­ern Finland’s busy year-round inter­na­tion­al air­port.

Over 700 events per year attract vis­i­tors to the city all year round. And let’s not for­get that Oulu is also host­ing the 2025 Hous­ing Fair. In recent years, with the excep­tion of two coro­na virus sum­mers, the Hous­ing Fair has attract­ed over 100,000 vis­i­tors. Over 20 exhi­bi­tion hous­es and two high-rise blocks are being con­struct­ed in an area between Nal­likari and the city cen­tre.

Apart from the Hous­ing Fair, tourists are attract­ed by The Roy­al Races horse rac­ing event and the Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture 2026 year. Growth in the inter­na­tion­al overnight stays in Oulu has been almost 40 % already dur­ing 2024.

Take your place in growth and ask more about invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties in tourism in Nal­likari and Oulu city:

Jyr­ki Kemp­painen, Account Man­ag­er
tel. +358 44 499 3296