
Ruu­tikan­gas is Europe’s largest shoot­ing sports cen­tre, built on the bor­der between Limin­ka and Lumi­jo­ki. The size of the area is 93 hectares, also includ­ing over 5.5 hectares of asphalt­ed area. Ruu­tikun­nat Ltd, owned by Limin­ka and Lumi­jo­ki munic­i­pal­i­ties and Oulu and Raa­he cities, is respon­si­ble for the con­struc­tion and devel­op­ment of Ruu­tikan­gas.

Users of the Ruu­tikan­gas shoot­ing sports cen­tre out­side of inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tions include local sports shoot­ers, hunters and var­i­ous author­i­ties, e.g. res­cue ser­vices and the police. A con­sor­tium of 12 shoot­ing sports clubs with over 3,000 mem­bers has been estab­lished to sup­port the shoot­ing sports cen­tre.

Ruu­tikan­gas has start­ed oper­a­tion in sum­mer 2018 with the Com­pak sport­ing shot­gun range and tra­di­tion­al deer range. In August 2024, Ruu­tikan­gas host­ed the RWS2024 Prac­ti­cal Rifle World Shoot, PRS Finnish Cham­pi­onships and also sev­er­al Com­pak, IPSC and IPDA tour­na­ments.

The shoot­ing facil­i­ties in the Ruu­tikan­gas area will be com­plet­ed in 2025, when all 400+ shoot­ing ranges are deployed, roads and exten­sive park­ing areas are asphalt­ed, the com­pe­ti­tion cen­tre with its restau­rants is fin­ished, the whole area is elec­tri­fied, and data con­nec­tions are work­ing. In August 2025, the area hosts the Euro­pean sil­hou­ette and bench rest shoot­ing Cham­pi­onships and World Cup events.

In 2027, the Finnish Shoot­ing Sport Fed­er­a­tion arranges out­door sports Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships in Ruu­tikan­gas, and over 3,000 inter­na­tion­al sports shoot­ers and offi­cials are expect­ed to the area.

An indoor shoot­ing range oper­a­tor is want­ed for the area to imple­ment and man­age a high-qual­i­ty indoor shoot­ing range. Ruu­tikun­nat Ltd rents the land for the build­ing. Do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us, if you have oth­er pro­pos­als for coop­er­a­tion to improve ser­vices in the area.

Ruu­tikan­gas shoot­ing sports cen­tre is locat­ed only ca. 10 km from Limin­ka cen­tre and Oulu Air­port is only ca. 30 km away.

Take your place in sus­tain­able growth, we wel­come you as a part­ner!

Jarkko Koskela, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Ruu­tikun­nat Ltd,, +358 40 544 2721