
The Mei­jerikatu area in Tyrnävä, ren­o­vat­ed in 1994–2010, is a cen­tre of cul­ture and busi­ness, offer­ing diverse facil­i­ties for tourism, expe­ri­ence and event ser­vices as well as cowork­ing premis­es.

The his­tor­i­cal dairy milieu presents oppor­tu­ni­ties for fur­ther devel­op­ment sup­port­ed by busi­ness and com­mu­nal activ­i­ties.

The area has a restau­rant, pri­vate den­tal clin­ic, account­ing firm, speech ther­a­pist, one of the most beau­ti­ful libraries in Fin­land and a gram­mar school. The area has also meet­ing premis­es, munic­i­pal apart­ments and munic­i­pal engi­neer­ing facil­i­ties. Some premis­es require ren­o­va­tion or can be applied to new pur­pos­es, offer­ing fur­ther devel­op­ment pos­si­bil­i­ties.

The total area in Mei­jerikatu is ca. 3 hectares, includ­ing one hectare of green space. The total amount of prop­er­ties under munic­i­pal admin­is­tra­tion is ca. 4,000 m² and 1,300 m² of those are mod­i­fi­able to new require­ments.

The loca­tion is excel­lent: it takes less than 30 min­utes to dri­ve to Oulu cen­tre, 5 min­utes to Route E4, 15 min­utes to the motor­way and ca. 30 min­utes to Oulu Air­port and the Port of Oulu. The dairy area is locat­ed in address Mei­jerikatu 1–6, 91800 Tyrnävä.

Lever­age the unique poten­tial of the area and come with us to cre­ate tourism suc­cess sto­ries in the heart of cul­ture and sus­tain­able growth!

Ask more about invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties in the Mei­jerikatu dairy area:

Lasse Lyi­jy­nen, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Tyrnävän Kehi­tys Oy
+358 40 555 4860

Jan­na Kumpu­la, Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er, Tyrnävä munic­i­pal­i­ty
+358 40 162 6149