
Vihkosaari tourism area offers a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to invest in tourism in a grow­ing and strate­gi­cal­ly excel­lent loca­tion. This ca. 5‑hectare area is locat­ed near the ser­vices of the Ii cen­tre, on Route E4, right by the traf­fic flow towards Lap­land. The dai­ly pass­ing traf­fic vol­ume is over 10,000 vehi­cles, which guar­an­tees excel­lent vis­i­bil­i­ty and acces­si­bil­i­ty in a prime spot by the Both­n­ian Bay.

Promi­nent loca­tion and diverse devel­op­ment pos­si­bil­i­ties make the sus­tain­ably devel­op­ing Vihkosaari a growth invest­ment, which com­bines local and region­al strengths.

The town plan of Vihkosaari for tourist ser­vices is already com­plete, and there are also oth­er appeal­ing fac­tors sup­port­ing the poten­tial of the nat­u­ral­ly beau­ti­ful area. The year-round, ice­less out­door swim­ming pool with its 25-metre swim lane and the neigh­bour­ing beach con­sti­tute a com­pelling attrac­tion for both domes­tic and inter­na­tion­al tourists. In addi­tion, ski and hik­ing trails pass right next to the area, which makes Vihkosaari an ide­al year-round des­ti­na­tion.

The water­front area in the cen­tre of Ii is also open to diverse invest­ments.

The water­front area of the grow­ing Ii cen­tre is becom­ing the cul­ture, tourism, busi­ness, event and admin­is­tra­tion cen­tre of the munic­i­pal­i­ty. The area is locat­ed on the con­struct­ed shore beside the Iijo­ki riv­er, in the Iijo­ki riv­er delta and by the Both­n­ian Bay. The loca­tion offers excel­lent mar­itime con­nec­tions, and the riv­er serves as an active recre­ation­al area through the year.

The area is bor­dered by the Ii Wan­ha Ham­i­na, which has been a his­tor­i­cal­ly impor­tant Both­n­ian Bay port and mar­ket­place from the 14th cen­tu­ry to the 20th cen­tu­ry. Today the nation­al­ly pre­served area has old, ren­o­vat­ed res­i­den­tial build­ings close­ly side by side on both sides of the Alakatu and Yläkatu alleys.

Devel­op­ment and invest­ment options

  • Investors are want­ed to the 12-hectare area for accom­mo­da­tion, ser­vice, cul­ture, event and restau­rant activ­i­ties.
  • An archi­tec­tur­al com­pe­ti­tion was arranged for the area in 2024, and town plan­ning will start dur­ing 2025. The area will have thou­sands of square metres floor area for res­i­den­tial, tourism and ser­vice con­struc­tion. It’s now pos­si­ble to influ­ence the con­tent of the plan.
  • This acces­si­ble area pro­vides a wide view to the Iijo­ki riv­er and is locat­ed on Route E4, along good pub­lic trans­port and water con­nec­tions – in the mid­dle of every­thing!

Join us to cre­ate the next tourism and well­be­ing suc­cess sto­ry in North­ern Fin­land! Ask more about oppor­tu­ni­ties to invest in tourism in Vihkosaari:

Hele­na Illikainen, Vital­i­ty Man­ag­er

Noo­ra Huo­tari, Busi­ness Devel­op­er